Santa Claus Lane Bikeway Opens Friday

By the edhat staff

The Santa Claus Lane Bikeway will temporarily open on Friday, June 30, prior to the 4th of July weekend.

The bikeway between Carpinteria Avenue and Santa Claus Lane will remain open until after Labor Day weekend. After that, the bikeway will close for the final installation of the barrier rail. Temporary railing is in place while the project awaits final materials.

According to a press release, the project team is eager for cyclists and pedestrians to enjoy the new bikeway as soon as possible. 

The Class I bikeway and multipurpose path connects Santa Claus Lane to Carpinteria Avenue. This closes a gap in the California Coastal Trail between Sand Point Road and Carpinteria Avenue.

As part of the bikeway project, the intersection at Carpinteria Avenue and Estero Street has been updated with new crosswalks, signage, curbs and gutters, and bike lanes. At the western end of the project, a new vehicular turnaround has been built at the end of Santa Claus Lane.

The bikeway is being built in coordination with the Highway 101: Padaro project.

Visit to see maps, graphics, photos, construction updates, and descriptions of the improvements.

Artistic Rendering (courtesy)

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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