Santa Barbara Welcomes 10 New Firefighters

Source: City of Santa Barbara

The Santa Barbara City Fire Department welcomed 10 new firefighters on Friday. They were sworn in as the department’s 42nd Academy class.

The graduation culminates a multi-year recruiting and testing effort. The city received over 800 applications. Each firefighter passed a rigorous testing process consisting of an application and resume panel, three oral interviews, job-specific fitness testing, a medical and psychological exam, and a thorough background assessment. These new firefighters filled positions created by retirements.

The ceremony marks the end of a rigorous 10-week academy consisting of classroom instruction, strength and conditioning training, and manipulative skills. The academy prepared the recruits to safely respond to medical emergencies, auto accidents and extrications, water rescue, hazardous material operations, rope rescue, confined space rescue, floods, aircraft rescue and firefighting, structure firefighting, and wildland firefighting operations.

The academy was originally scheduled for 12 weeks, but due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, adjustments were made to minimize exposures while completing the training curriculum. The ceremony is an acknowledgment that the recruits completed the mandated training, while overcoming new challenges from COVID-19.

The move to accelerate the academy timeline came as the Department prepared for possible surges in COVID-19 patients, as well as a proactive goal to augment Department staffing should there be significant impacts to the community and firefighters affected by the virus.

“The Santa Barbara City Fire Department is taking every step necessary to ensure we fulfill our mission of protecting life and property in Santa Barbara during the COVID Pandemic. I am proud to welcome the 10 recruits who joined our ranks today”, said Fire Chief Eric Nickel. “These recruits demonstrated their flexibility and resolve under extraordinary circumstances, and I am excited to see them serve our community with respect, compassion, and integrity.”

Chief Nickel presided over an outdoor graduation ceremony that complied with County Public Health Orders. The recruits received their badges and recited the oath of duty. The ceremony was attended by Fire Department Command Staff, academy instructors, and a small number of family members. The event was also live streamed for friends and family to view from their homes.

The new firefighters will begin working on Saturday, June 13, 2020. Their one-year probationary period will include field and classroom training, written and manipulative exams, and will culminate in a final test.

Probationary Firefighter names: Denver Chavez, Eric Cole, Jarrett Costa, Garrett Cuffel, Zachary La Cavera, Peter Navarra, Kyle Ochoa, Austin Fritzler, Spencer Smith, Shane Zeile.


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  1. They “won the lottery” based on their merits. They perservered to reach their goal. Fire Science degree, Fire Academy’s to obtain a State Certification, E.M.T. classes if not Paramedic school and working on an Ambulance or working for the U.S. Forest Service as seasonal firefighters, or both- No DUI’s, No drugs, No criminal record, staying focused on their career goal to work as a municipal firefighter. I would guess each of these rookies took more than a dozen test processes to get where they are now and this is just the begining of a probationary year where they could be “let go” for any reason at anytime. They will be watched and tested everyday they are on duty by their peers. The drills and testing will continue not just for this probationary year, but for their entire 30+ year career… They will see and experience everything from tragic vehicle accidents, SIDS and infant fatalities, dealing with grief and families left behind, conflagration fires and disasters. The mundane routine cleaning of the stations and equipment, getting along with co-workers 24 hours to 2 weeks straight, being away from family and having one of the highest divorce rates as well as high rates of cancer. Did they “win the lottery”? We’ll see. Congrats to all 10 and all the best in your future career.

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