Santa Barbara Unified School District Accepting Citizens’ Oversight Committee Member Application Due To Vacant Seat(s) On The Committee

Administrative offices of the Santa Barbara Unified School District (file photo)

NOTICE is hereby given that the Santa Barbara Unified School District is accepting applications from interested citizens to serve on the District’s independent oversight committee with respect to its general obligation bonds, approved by District voters at the November 8, 2016 election and known as Measure I and J. The Committee consists of seven members, which meet quarterly to review and report on expenditures of funds to ensure bond money is used only for voter-approved purposes. At this time, there are four vacancies on the Committee which the Board seeks to fill (see attachment for current member terms and expiration dates):

  • One (1) member shall be both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District and active in a parent-teacher organization, such as the P.T.A. or a school site council.
  • One (1) member active in a business organization representing the business community located in the District.
  • One (1) member active in a senior citizens’ organization.
  • One (1) member active in a bona-fide taxpayers association.

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and may not be employees or officials of the District, nor a vendor, contractor, or consultant to the District. Interested persons may obtain an application from the Business Services Office, located at 720 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, CA, or download the application from the District’s website at Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. Please submit completed applications at the Business Services Office, or to Allison Fore, fiscal administrative assistant at

Bylaws 5.1-2

The Committee shall consist of at least seven (7) members appointed by the Board
from a list of candidates submitting written applications, and based on criteria established by
Prop 39, to wit:

  • One (1) member shall be the parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District.
  • One (1) member shall be both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District and active in a parent-teacher organization, such as the P.T.A. or a school site council.
  • One (1) member active in a business organization representing the business community located in the District.
  • One (1) member active in a senior citizens’ organization.
  • One (1) member active in a bona-fide taxpayers association.
  • Two (2) members of the community at-large.

5.2 Qualification Standards.
(a) To be a qualified person, he or she must be at least 18 years of age.
(b) The Committee may not include any employee, official of the District or any
vendor, contractor or consultant of the District.

Current Members 
(Terms are for 2 years and may be renewed 3 times)

Member, Senior Citizens Organization Frank Stevens, Chair 3rd term

expired March 2021

Member, Community-at-Large Lang Sligh, Vice-Chair 3rd term

expired March 2021

Member, Community-at-Large Deanna Morinini 3rd term

expires Sept. 2024

Member, business organization representative Jennifer Lee 1st term

expires April 2025

Member, Parent/Guardian of SBUSD student Mike Barnick 2nd term

expires June 2024

Member, Parent/Guardian of SBUSD student AND active in parent-teacher organization vacant
Member, taxpayers association vacant


Written by SBUnified

Press releases written by the Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD). Learn more at

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