Source: City of Santa Barbara
The City of Santa Barbara collected $385,130 in transient occupancy taxes (TOT) for December 2020. TOT revenues in December 2020 were 65% below December last year. The COVID-19 pandemic and the related response continues to affect the local travel industry. Despite a steady recovery since April 2020, when revenues reached a 93.3% decline, lodging operators faced additional challenges, as the most recent surge combined with State advisories against leisure travel have further depressed demand for accommodations. Staff expect this reduction in demand to continue at least until the spring months when a rise in hotel occupancy is anticipated to occur.
The City has collected $7.2 million through the first six months of the City’s fiscal year, which runs from July 1 through June 30. The City’s adopted TOT budget is $17.2 million.
The Transient Occupancy Tax table can be viewed here.