Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Kicks Off 50th Birthday with Big Bash

Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Executive Director Penny Little receiving a proclamation from the California State Assembly by Assemblymember Gregg Hart (Photo: Blazer)

A Friday night get together at the Community Arts Workshop (CAW) kicked off the 50th Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Parade and Festival season.

Many came in costume, some came to dance, others to mix and bid on original art, and everyone in attendance left with a smile. Music from Joss Jaffe and DJ Darla Bea kept the crowd entertained.

The annual 3-day event celebrating the 50th Santa Barbara Summer Solstice will begin on Friday, June 21, with a Dance Party in Alameda Park featuring Area 51 and a host of others.

Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Executive Director Penny Little with Santa Barbara’s Man on the Street, John Palminteri (Photo: Blazer)

Saturday brings the Parade and Festival starting at noon on Santa Barbara and Ortega streets and ending at Alameda park with bands playing until 8pm.

We close the show Sunday with a Reggae Party in the Park with 4 bands brought to us by One Plant.

There is no admission to any of the season’s Solstice events, come one come all.

Tour the art being created, volunteer for the parade or just ask what’s up by visiting the CAW at Ortega and Santa Barbara streets. Log on to for more.


Written by blazer

Blazer is a longtime radio DJ providing morning traffic reports on 92.9 KJEE and writes stories of interest for edhat.

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