By Jonathan Abad
As the nation takes a huge step back in women’s rights and respect with last week’s controversial supreme court nomination, our own community move forward in a big way to make a positive statement when the Santa Barbara Unified School district renewed its contract tonight with the valuable programming provided by Just Communities.
Following over forty public comments supporting Just Communities, the Santa Barbara Unified School District unanimously adopted and renewed its contract to continue empowering our teens into grooming them to become future leaders of America. The board stood out and supported the program despite very harsh criticism and threats of legal actions from far-right groups that claimed the program incited hatred to white people and religion.
The more than 40 people the spoke in support and the more than two dozen that spoke in support during last month’s meeting have thoroughly convinced the board that the truth could not be further from the claim. A stark contrast to the US Senate debacle of last week’s supreme court judge nomination. In fact, the dialogue in tonight’s meeting has exposed blatant falsehoods in the claims against the program garnering it even more support than it started with.
Congratulations to the people from Just Communities and well deserved praises for the Santa Barbara Unified School District Board for bucking the nation’s trends in moving backward by listening to their constituents in tonight’s decision.
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That’s not a thing.
I’m a white male. Everything is my fault.
MIDAIR: If you don’t like how you are being treated, find your voice, and speak up. If you have an argument or facts that work in your favor, say those whenever you have an opportunity. Don’t be silent.
Remember Charlton Heston the actor said, “Those wise old dead white guys that invented this country knew what they were talking about”.
“THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal
before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter
than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was
stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the
211th, 212th, and 213 th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing
vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General. ”
Mr Abad- please identify these groups you refer to “very harsh criticism and threats of legal actions from far-right groups that claimed the program incited hatred to white people and religion.” I attended meeting and heard nothing about this. English ten EdHat readers!
Reynaldo – you’re brilliant! When will the masses learn equity of opportunity is different from equality. There’s no such thing as equality. When will schools adopt mission statements and visions to prepare, to instruct, to educate to best serve our NATION and the world? I fear for younger generations who have never experienced freedom to achieve; equal opportunities to develop their protection in all areas- vocational , academic and physical .
The Independent had an article showing teaching material from Just Communities that had been doctored to make them look prejudiced against whites. If this is what the anonymous group has to stand on, their lawsuit would go nowhere. Unfortunately, the doctored material is making the rounds in far-right forums where it’s being accepted as the truth. Sad.
Good program, glad it was renewed.
Is it true that it is racist against white people? Some guy on tv said that. Is it true?