Santa Barbara Man Pleads Guilty to Murdering Father in 2021

Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office investigating a homicide scene on N. La Cumbre Road on July 15, 2021. (Photo: Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office)

A Santa Barbara man pled guilty this week to murdering his father in 2021.

Santa Barbara County District Attorney John T. Savrnoch announced Casey Augustin Tolivar, 31, pled guilty to 2nd Degree Murder to killing his father, Bradley Tolivar, 76.

The investigation began on July 15, 2021, when a friend of the family attempted to find Bradley at Casey Tolivar’s residence in the 600 block of N. La Cumbre Road.

Casey Tolivar assaulted the friend with a rock and glass bottle who fled the scene with serious injuries. When Sheriff’s Deputies arrived they discovered Bradley’s body decomposing in the rear of the residence. It was alleged that Casey Tolivar struck and killed his father with a a 33 ½ inch x 2 x 2 steel bar.

Casey Tolivar (courtesy photo)

Based on his guilty plea, Casey Tolivar will be sentenced to 15 years to life in State Prison.

District Attorney John Savrnoch stated, “Thank you to the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s personnel for dealing with the difficult circumsances of the crime scene and the Prosecution Team led by Senior Deputies Kevin Weichbrod and Casey Nelson for their work in holding this dangerous individual accountable for his actions.”

Sentencing is set for February 28, 2024, in Department 11 in front of the Honorable Von Deroian.

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Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. This defendant is probably kicking himself today if he’s read/listened to the news in the past few days. Thinking, schiff? I should have done some “drug expert” shopping. A Ventura County woman stabs a man 108 times and stabbed her dog. She’s convicted of involuntary manslaughter and (only) sentenced to two years probation and community service. The state’s expert says she suffered from a “Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder.” As a result she was “unconscious” while she stabbed the victim. I guess this is better than “the devil made me do it” defense. You ‘gotta know the pipe, bong and roll your own users in the future that commit a heinous crime will use this as a defense.

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