By an edhat reader
Week of February 28-March-4: SB city council and advisory committee meetings
Santa Barbara city council and city commissions: All now are by webinar/Zoom. A long-time Edhat subscriber thought it would be helpful and interesting for the community to have accessible a weekly listing of selected meetings, those of possible city-wide interest. We agreed. Please tell us what you think, good idea? waste of time? want it to continue, but covering more than Santa Barbara city?
Santa Barbara City has a calendar of meetings; here’s February’s calendar: In addition, City TV covers many of them and has reruns; here’s the very useful programming page:
Monday, 2/28
Architectural Board of Review (ABR) cancelled
Single Family Design Board, 11:00 am, Consent agenda: Join meeting electronically at:
3 pm, Agenda: 1336 Shoreline Dr., pre-application review at 4:30 pm.
State Street Advisory Committee, 4:30 pm, (NB: this is listed on the City Calendar as being on 3/3). Agenda: .
A. Staff will provide a status update on the RFP/RFQ. On 2/23, there was posted Request for Proposal/Request for Qualifications ,, due March 3; 52 pages-long but no public comment letters are posted.
B. Panel Discussion about the Future of Retail and Commercial Spaces and Challenges and Opportunities Ahead for Downtown Revitalization
Tuesday, 3/1
City Council, Finance Committee, 12:30 pm, participate electronically:
Subject: Fiscal Year 2022 Second Quarter Review
Regular City Council meeting, 2 pm, Agenda packet pgs. 1-582.
Consent calendar, 16 items, NB: item 2, Minutes, selected dates from June 16, 2020 through February 1, 2022. View meeting:
Item 17, Annual update of the Bicycle Share Pilot Program, staff report:
Item 18, Public Hearing, on Chick-fil-A, 3707 State Street, and its drive-through, a public nuisance?
Historic Landmarks Commission, Special Meeting, 2 pm, designation of 1201 Las Alturas a Landmark.
Wednesday, 3/2
Historic Landmarks Commission: Consent agenda, 2 pm. Regular Agenda, 1:30 pm .
Thursday, March 3
Planning Commission, meeting canceled.
Friday, March 4, City Hall closed.