By an edhat reader
Week of May 8 – May 13, 2023 council and advisory committee meetings of Santa Barbara City
A long-time Edhat subscriber, hoping for more public participation in our local government, thought it would be helpful and interesting for the community to have a weekly listing of selected meetings, those of city-wide interest. We agreed. Please tell us what you think. There have been requests for coverage of other jurisdictions; volunteers to do that, please contact If we’ve mis-posted an address or there’s a meeting that we failed to list, please note the correction in the Comments section below. Thanks!
Santa Barbara has a City Calendar of meetings; for May. City TV covers many of the meetings and has reruns. However, Consent Calendar meetings are not televised. City Council Schedule for 2023; note: the Finance and Ordinance Committees are part of the regular Council agendas.
Common acronyms, abbreviations: hybrid or Hyflex, meeting access is both in person and via Zoom or other webinar; PDA, Project Design Approval; FA, Final Approval; CAR, Council Agenda Report. Agenda item descriptions are generally direct quotes from the agendas, especially where there would seem to be public interest. Meeting locations: City Council chambers upstairs at City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street; David Gebhard Room (DGR), 630 Garden Street; Parks Office, 402 E. Ortega St.; or where noted. Noted also for some Council and Advisory Committee meetings are non-public addresses; these are addresses for those public servants who choose to attend the meetings at home or elsewhere.
This week features the introduction at Council Ordinance Committee of the proposed Hope Fund, with details including proposed waiving of the 90-year affordability period for certain households, among other details. Also at the council is an Appeal of the ABR’s approval of the development at 425 Santa Barbara Street. The Planning Commission considers whether to recommend moving (usually) neighbor Appeals of SFDB decisions from the Council to itself, thereby “streamlin(ing)” the process. Staff notes that unlike the Council, the PC “faces little political pressure over contested neighborhood projects.”
The week continues the annual examination of the various city department budgets, leading up to the June acceptances. At the Finance Committee on Tuesday are fee changes for the enterprise funds. For those interested in the nuts and bolts of how the City runs, these special Council meetings are worth watching, and some are listed on the City TV schedule. Budget Hearing Schedule. However, it is not clear if there is access for public comments. Nor is it evident where, exactly, these departmental budgets are for the public to examine them online. If anyone knows, please post in the comments!
Single Family Design Board, 11:00 A.M., DGR, in person: Consent Agenda,
- A.3508 Madrona Dr., Cont. Item, PDA, ((Proposal for a 900 square foot second-story Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) above a 798 square foot addition to an existing 1,002 square foot, single-unit residence.) Received Staff Hearing officer (SHO) approval for a floor area Zoning Modification (mod.), 4/19/2023. Neighborhood preservation findings required; last reviewed 2/6/2023.
- B.952 Alameda Padre Serra, New item, Concept Review; (Proposal for 769 sq. ft., detached ADU and roof deck. … “The ADU does not meet administrative criteria and is under Design Review purview. …” Project requires SHO for a front setback mod. …no final appealable decision will be made and various findings will be required (Neighborhood Preservation, Hillside Design District & Sloped Lot) when the review ois for PDA.
- C.155 Loma Media Rd, New item, Concept Review; proposal for a 970 sq ft 2nd story balcony and 535 sq ft deck; various findings will be required (Neighborhood Preservation, Hillside Design District & Sloped Lot) when the project is reviewed for PDA.
- D.1712 Anacapa St., New item, PDA&FA, Inc. ;Proposal to install two five-foot-tall wood entry gates in the front yard, et al.
- E.939 Carrillo Rd, Cont item, PDA & FA requested, (Proposal to construct an 89 square-foot first-floor addition and a 624 square-foot second-floor addition, plus remodeling, to an existing 1,227 square-foot single-unit residence located in the Hillside Design District; postponed by applicant until 5/15, 2023.
Architectural drawings, Public Comment (Madrona Dr.,) link.
Architectural Board of Review, 1 P.M., DGR, in person, Consent Agenda:
- 6021 Hollister Avenue, New item, Concept Review, improvements to the parking area, etc., “part of a larger project proposed by the Housing Authority of Santa Barbara County to convert the Super 8 Motel for use as Supportive Housing. …” Conversion of Super 8 Motel, City of Goleta jurisdiction except for this 0.57 acres of parking area. No final appealable decision to be made at this hearing.
- 2637 State Street, New item, PDA & FA: new trash enclosure and request for a “minor zoning exception …(for) trash enclosure in the front setback.” Requires compliance with the Project Compatibility Analysis Guidelines.
Architectural drawings, previous Minutes: link.
Single Family Design Board, 3 P.M., DGR, hyflex, Zoom link at the Agenda:
- Discussion item, Advisory Group Public Service & Decorum Training by Sarah Gorman, City Clerk.
- 691 Hope Ave., Cont. item, FA; RRM proposal for a 6-lot subdivision…. Project received approvals from the SB LAFCO, and the City Council and approval of a tentative subdivision map and street frontage mod., from the Planning Commission. Project last reviewed 8.30.2021.
- 485 Braemar Ranch Lane, New item, Concept Review: proposals for additions to an existing one-story 3,072 sq ft, single-unit residence…. There is an ADU noted on the plans, under a separate permit, not part of the SFDB purview. “No final appealable decision will take place at this hearing. Neighborhood Preservation Findings and Hillside Design District & Sloped Lot Findings will be required when the project is reviewed for Project Design Approval.”
- 2501 Medcliff Rd.., Cont. item, PDA; “(Proposal to demolish the existing one-story 970 square foot residence and 230 square foot one-car garage and construct a two-story 3,970 square foot single-unit residence, … and to remove two oak trees, and 3 36” boxerd tree replacements proposed. “Planning Commission approved a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) on April 6, 2023.) Neighborhood Preservation Findings, Hillside Design District & Sloped Lot Findings, and Grading Findings are required. Project was last reviewed on October 24, 2022.”
- 1553 Shoreline Drive, New item, One-time – Pre-Application Consultation: “Planning Commission approved a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) on April 6, 2023.) Project Design Approval is requested. Neighborhood Preservation Findings, Hillside Design District & Sloped Lot Findings, and Grading Findings are required. Project was last reviewed on October 24, 2022….” No final appealable decision will take place at this hearing.
Architectural drawings, link.
Neighborhood Advisory Council, 6 P.M., Franklin Center, Special Meeting agenda: election of chair and vice-chair; neighborhood updates, for information only.
Planning Commission, in person, not televised, site visit: 8:00 a.m., 1731 Lasuen Rd., scheduled for review at the Thursday Planning Commission meeting.
City Council Finance Committee, 12:00 p.m., DGR, Agenda: review of the FY 2024 Budget, Recommendation: That the Finance Committee hear a report from staff, in connection with the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2024, on proposed changes to Enterprise Fund fees.
City Council Ordinance Committee, Hyflex, 11:30, Zoom access in the Agenda: for the Ordinance committee to review the Ordinance Discussion Draft to create the Housing Opportunities, Preservation, and Equity (Hope) Fund and direct staff to return with revised Ordinance to review for Council introduction.” Link, pg 3-11 to the Housing and Human Service Division, Community Development Department, Report.
City Council Special Meeting, 1:30 p.m., Site visit: 425 Santa Barbara Street, subject to an appeal on May 9; also public comment for items listed on this agenda.
City Council, regular meeting, Hyflex, 2 P.M., city council chambers, access info at the Agenda; Agenda packet (249 pgs.) Consent Calendar, items 3-15, from Minutes to amending the relocation assistance payment amount for no fault, just cause evictions (item 9), staff salaries, etc., followed by Public Comment (but still no publication of letters/emails from the public to the Council; perhaps there were none.)
- Item 16 from the Public Works Department: authority to establish a low-income water assistance program;
- item 17, from the City Administrator, the introduction of an ordinance concerning the storage of personal property in public areas, agenda packet pages, 160-17; and
- item 18, pages of the agenda packet, 174- 248: Appeal by Barry Cappello, representing Platform SB, LLC, of the ABR’s Project Design Approval on March 20, of the development at 425 Santa Barbara Street: • Overturn ABR Project Design Approval, asking “a Project-specific EIR required • Updated Program EIR / Addendum required • Require on-site parking and/or lease covenant restricting vehicle ownership • Reduce project scale and increase interior setbacks • Reduce height, mass, bulk, scale to enhance neighborhood compatibility.”
SB Arts and Crafts Show Advisory Committee (part of Parks & Rec.), 6 P.M., in person, Palm Park Beach House, 230 E. Cabrillo Blvd., Agenda.
Historic Landmarks Commission, 11 A.M., in person, Consent Agenda:
- 481 W. Mountain Dr., Cont. item, FA: Listed on the Historic Resources Inventory, constructed in 1947. The site is developed with seven cottages (469-493 W. Mountain Dr.) and various accessory structures on one 4.59 acre lot; “Final Approval of the overall site work is requested. Separate Final Approvals at HLC shall be required for each individual cottage at a later time….”
- 1524 State Street, new item, concept review.
Reports, link: Architectural drawings, Historic Structures Reports, and Historic Significance Reports, including 1500 State Street Historic Significance Report, City Landmark Designation.
Historic Landmarks Commission, 1:30, DGR, in person, Agenda: 633 E. Cabrillo Blvd, New Item, Concept Review, Part I. Proposal for a 50,065 square foot addition to Building B (Bougainvillea), resulting in a net increase of 73 guest rooms to the Hilton Santa Barbara hotel. Project includes removal of the existing 4,700 square foot Building A (Azalea) to make way for the following improvements: an adult swimming pool, spa, outdoor fire pit lounge area, and bar. Project also proposes removal of the existing tennis courts and 240 square foot structure housing the current tennis shop. Project will require Planning Commission approval of a Development Plan.” No final appealable action at this meeting. Architectural drawings, link.
Downtown Parking Committee, 7:30 A.M., DGR, in person; agenda includes items:
7. PARKING AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee receive the Fiscal Year 2024 Draft Parking and Business Improvement Area Annual Assessment Report and recommend City Council accept the Draft Annual Report and approve a status quo assessment for Fiscal Year 2024.
8. POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE UPDATE RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee receive a presentation on recent Statewide legislation affecting parking supply and management. 9. ON-STREET PARKING MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee receive a presentation on the City’s street parking management practices, including processes for implementing timed parking, loading, and accessible parking zones.
10. OUTDOOR BUSINESS FACILITY FEE UPDATE RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee receive an update on approved rates for Outdoor Business Facilities operating on the State Street Promenade and impacts to the Downtown Parking Budget.
Staff report: link.
City Council Special Meeting, 9:30 a.m., DGR, to discuss adhoc council committee on homelessness, Council workshop, no Zoom, in person, but listed as Live for Public TV, Agenda.
Planning Commission, 1 PM, Hyflex, Council Chamber, Agenda:
lll. New item: recommendation to Council, Amendment to the SFDB Appeal Process, “Update on Planning staff’s efforts to understand persistent challenges as well as potential solutions for streamlining the Single Family Design Board (SFDB) review process and a discussion of proposed amendments to the Single Family Design Board appeal process, …” Staff Report.
lV. 1713 Lasuen Rd., New item: “The project consists of a renovation to the existing historic residence including demolition of the existing garage and workshop to be replaced with a new garage and workshop with a 256- square-foot gym below. …” Architectural drawings, link.
V. 101 Garden St, postponed indefinitely at Applicant’s request; new hearing date will be re-noticed. Prior hearing was on April 6.
FRIDAY, 5/12
Biweekly city administrative offices closed.
Of general interest:
City Advisory Commissions are listed with their duties and powers described in the Charter of the City of Santa Barbara, See: Article Vlll, Appointive Boards and Commissions, pg; 25 et seg. Other commissions may be formed by the City Council for certain issues of public concern. Santa Barbara Municipal Code. The fall recruitment is presently on-going, deadline for applications is Monday at 5 P.M.:
AIA-Santa Barbara, August 2020, State Street Promenade and housing community survey results, more than 4,800 responses, linked here. Civic groups concerned about city government: Allied Neighborhoods Association, Citizens Planning Association, League of Women Voters -Santa Barbara, and various hyperlocal neighborhood associations.
City of Santa Barbara emphasizes transparency: Listed under Government Transparency, California Legislative Information is a link to the Ralph M. Brown Act (“Brown Act“), “In enacting this chapter, the Legislature finds and declares that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.”
It is so disturbing that City Council meeting are held at 2pm mid week. How convenient for them that the majority of the working class can never attend…
I agree with you. But just so everyone knows, I think that web participation is still available. I realize that you still have to take a few minutes off work to provide public comment via Webinar. Another option is public comment via email, sent in advance of the meeting. Just throwing that out there!
Good point; the important regular feeder committees, ordinance and finance, are held at noon. It seems that the present administration is less than interested in public comments. None of the letters sent to the City Council are posted to the Council website! (Unlike those to the Commissions, most of which also meet in the daytime, too.) Who makes that decision, the Councilmembers or the Staff?
0811, It isn’t just “… the present administration (that) is less than interested in public comments. ” It has been at that time through many administrations for decades.
Brown Act violation? Is the Library Board, appointed by the City Council, a “legislative committee” that is covered by the Brown Act? They have just posted their agenda for tomorrow . California law, the Brown Act, requires 72-hours notice so the public can attend. All other City Council-appointed advisory commissions ARE required to follow the regulations of the Brown Act.
It looks like an interesting agenda, the “civility” training that all are doing – perhaps there should be Brown Act training, too! and something relatively new for the advisory commissions, “budget advocacy- That the Library Board discuss a Library Board Budget Advocacy Plan. ” hmmm. The meeting is tomorrow at noon, held in the Faulkner Gallery, not televised.
Library board meeting for noon today cancelled, “THE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING
OF MAY 11, 2023 HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION.” …not added but editorial we, aka …62973, will, “Thanks, Edhat!”
Thanks to the neighbor for filing an Appeal to this latest Ed St. George monster building proposal. This one has no parking at all, pity the neighbors! Only councilmember Sneddon, voted No and stood up for good community planning and SB quality of life. Councilmember Harmon was again absent, councilmember A. Gutierrez got to Council very late but in time to support St. George, with council member O. Gutierrez in Austin, TX, and saying very little via Zoom.