By an edhat reader

Week of April 4-April 8: SB city council and advisory committee meetings

Santa Barbara city government: All council and advisory committee meetings now are in-person; only the Council will have a hybrid access, enabling those unable to attend to access, to speak via Zoom; public comment to the commissions must be in person. Meetings will be broadcast live on City TV-Channel 18 and online at Written public comment is allowed via email before the beginning of the meeting – times vary, check the commission website.

A long-time Edhat subscriber thought it would be helpful and interesting for the community to have accessible a weekly listing of selected meetings, those of possible city-wide interest. We agreed. Please tell us what you think, good idea? waste of time? want it to continue but covering more than Santa Barbara city? There were requests for coverage of Carpinteria and Goleta; volunteers to do that and/or County meetings, please contact

Santa Barbara City has a calendar of meetings; here’s the calendar for April: (Beware: the Calendar is a guide and not always accurate: it lists for Monday, a meeting of the State Street Advisory Committee, not listed on its webpage.) City TV covers many of the meetings and has reruns;

If there’s something you want covered or if we’ve missed a meeting or misposted an address, please note in the Comments section. Thanks!


Monday, 4/4

Architectural Board of Review.

Consent Agenda, 1 P.M.:1150 San Roque Road; 630 Garden Street.

Regular Meeting, David Gebhard Room, in person, no Zoom access, 3 P.M. Agenda: 831 Cliff Drive; 210 S. Voluntario (Final Approval) for “…demolition of an existing single-family residence and garage, and construction of a new multi-family residential development. The new development would include nine (9) rental housing units pursuant to the City’s Average Unit-Size Density Incentive (AUD) Program….”

Community Formation Commission, meeting in City Council Chambers, in-person.

5:30 P.M, Agenda, Draft CFC Recommendation: here.



Tuesday, 4/5

City Council, no meeting scheduled.


Wednesday, 4/6

Staff Hearing Officer (SHO)

9 A.M., Agenda, 2512 Murrell Road; 2706 Cuesta Rd; 1721 Olive Street.

Community Formation Commission, meeting in person, in City Council Chambers

5:30 P.M, Agenda, Draft CFC Recommendation: here.



Thursday, 4/7

Planning Commission:

8:00 A.M., site visit, 1384 Shoreline Drive.

1 P.M., regular meeting, Agenda: 418 N. Salispuedes St., PC to review and affirm, reverse, or modify the prior (1/26/22) decision of the SHO; 1384 Shoreline Drive, a proposal to demolish an existing single-unit residence and all on-site structures.


Friday, 4/8

No new meetings.


A useful City of Santa Barbara webpage is Government Transparency: . Another has links under the heading of Business:


Written by Anonymous

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