San Marcos High School on Lockout

Update by edhat staff
12:00 p.m., September 23, 2019
The lockout was lifted by 11:45 a.m. as law enforcement searched the area and found no evidence of a shooting. 

Update by an edhat reader

11:10 a.m., September 23, 2019
As a parent with a child at San Marcos High School, I received this notice a few minutes ago:
“San Marcos School on Lockout
At about 10:50 a.m. today, we received a report that El Camino Elementary was on lockout due to a report of gunshots heard near the campus. In collaboration with the District Office and the Sheriff’s Department, San Marcos High School called for a lockout. We will update you on the development as soon as we can.
Kip Glazer

Reported by edhat readers

10:46 a.m., September 23, 2019
  • San Marcos High on lockdown, 10:45 a.m. Monday

  • Hearing reports of 5 or 7 gunshots in the Granny Flats area near Turnpike Vons. Sheriff’s are on the scene.

  • Tons of Sheriff’s Deputies near San Marcos High

  • What’s up near Vons off Turnpike? A lot of cops blocking off the area.



Written by Anonymous

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  1. This sounds like the bogus lockdown call at Solvang School last week. What’s going on lately? Is there a way to detect false alarms BEFORE freaking out everybody? Maybe get it verified by a school principal or other credible staff person vs a student who thinks they see the boogie man. Really!

  2. Last August I read a report about bulletproof backpacks for adults and schoolchildren. The packs are heavy. The weight would make it difficult for the kids to run and hide. Kids might attempt to try and access their backpacks (if the packs aren’t handy) rather than taking cover. On and on. Imagine telling your child s/he needs to have a bulletproof backpack for school safety? What HAS the world come to?

  3. So first one of the year–what are we, one month in?
    Just great. How many times are the kids going to be freaking traumatized this year? This crap doesn’t happen in the vast majority of the first world. The morons have truly taken over this country–well it was fun while it lasted.

  4. Parents freaking out? Why wouldn’t they with the school shootings/killings in this country in recent years. Over caution is better than having the possibility of your kid being killed, or having them watching friends killed.

  5. The school went on lockout because someone possibly may have maybe heard a bang that could possibly maybe be a gunshot. The last time I remember this happening it was because some 1/2 blind person saw a man with a radiator hose on campus and mistook it for a gun (a radiator hose. Really?!??
    I blame all this knee-jerk responses on 1 or 2 hysterical parents who evidently need therapy to deal with their irrational fears & extreme anxiety.

  6. At 08:46 pm, Yes I am well aware of that, I posted the all clear for San Marcos over 9 hours ago. “Not anything here” means means it’s something new. I said Encina in Goleta, not San Marcos in Noleta. If people would read previous comments before jumping in it would really lessen the confusion here.

  7. Without fail, the houseless/homeless get dragged into every issue. As if it is their fault the NRA and its’ Russian financiers have a lock on the puppet traitor POTUS who OK’s mentally ill people running around with AK’s and Glocks. Someone’s car backfires and the convo turns to those who are so plighted that Granny Hill is their best option. And, for the record, the Sheriff’s Dept did a massive sweep there a while back, and the vast majority of unhoused citizens stayed as far away from there as possible after a homeless person wasbeaten to death by a housed person. So how about not agitating yet again against these the most vulnerable people and looking to the actual issue here, which is the daily proliferation of the weapons of war into the hands of anybody with a hundred bucks or so who wants one?

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