Rollover Vehicle Crash on E. Valley Road

By an edhat reader

Around 10:30 p.m. [Wednesday], I heard a huge crash outside my house on East Valley Road. A man was driving east on the 192 and crashed his car landing on its side into a wall.

I ran up to the car and talked to him and talked to him until cops, firefighters, and EMS showed up. 

I watched them work to get him out for about 45 mins. 


Written by Anonymous

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  1. It was an accident! Stop trying to make it anymore than that. Be glad he lived and it wasn’t your family member. Then get back inside your Glass House of judgement and speculations! Why couldn’t it be something like he swerved to avoid an animal instead of trying to make it like he broke the law? Just asking? Have a great day and may you never have such an accident that people make up crap about you!

  2. Thank you for being so kind. Yes I did talk to him but he would not tell me what happened. He asked for help and was trying to get out of the car himself but was stuck. I just tried to calm him down and make sure he didn’t move so he wouldn’t injure himself more. Unfortunately though he was either drunk or under the influence of some drug. Very sad. I am happy he didn’t hurt anyone else and will be okay.

  3. When speaking to the man it was very obvious that he was either drunk or under the influence of a drug. I am happy he got out alive and to the eye seemed okay and that he didn’t hurt anyone else. I am not a cop nor an investigator so we will never actually know what really happened.
    I am just thankful that I could help and thankful for the first responders.

  4. Lilypeyton – how do you know he was “drunk or under the influence of some drug?” Did he tell you? Are you trained in making such a conclusion? Could he just have been in shock? Thank you for what you did for him, but please be careful what you say about someone’s state online. Just please be prudent 🙂

  5. Lily – so you heard him say he was drunk or high? I’m just wondering because it would be a shame to say such a think when he may have only been in shock from this terrible accident. It’s a small town and people can see who he is on here. Just trying to be “impartial.”

  6. Listen everyone is human and this guy was in need of help and support and I was there to help him. He is not a bad guy and like I said I am not a cop nor investigator I know nothing more then what I experienced.
    I am very happy he will make a good recovery.
    I will now not say another word about this matter

  7. I ask for the purpose of learning from the situation. I’m not familiar with the area, and I’m a fairly new mother and if I am ever in a position of driving in that area with my child and the factor was due to over correcting and or speed I would like to know to be more cautious when driving there. My apologies if I came off as disrespectful in any way, no matter what the circumstances I am very sorry to hear about this accident and every accident and I’m very glad that he survived and I also think that he was very lucky to have the OP there by his side.

  8. it’s more than speed, if you are TEXTING or have your eyes off the road for a few seconds, even at low to normal speeds and you OVER CORRECT, it’s very easy to roll a vehicle.
    I wish insurance companies would do what is done in Canada and review the policy holders cell records- If there is any evidence of texting, they don’t pay out.

  9. Sorry CW but it takes a lot more than simple over correcting to flip a car over. I’ve been driving for over 40 years, had my share of accidents and mishaps but NEVER even came close to flipping or rolling over. That’s why this novel scourge of single vehicle rollovers is so anathema to me.

  10. Thank you, Lily, for your compassion. People question your statement of possible alcohol or drugs being involved. I’ll bet, like me, you have enough life experience to know when someone has been using something.

  11. How am I the bad guy for warning against possibly defamatory comments? All I’m saying is be aware of what comments like that can mean for someone who is clearly in distress and recognizable by the photos that were taken and posted here. I’m not trying to be mean or snarky, just please consider the impact of repeatedly saying this man was intoxicated.

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