Rock Climber Injured After Fall

Update by edhat staff
6:30 p.m., February 24, 2019

A rock climber was injured after falling 10 to 15 feet off the Cold Springs Trail on Sunday afternoon.

At 4:00 p.m., Santa Barbara County firefighters responded with Santa Barbara City and Montecito Fire Departments, AMR ground ambulance, and Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Teams to the area west of the fork off Cold Springs Trail at the popular climbing rock. 

A 30-year-old male fell approximately 10 to 15 feet while climbing with a rope and landed on a ledge halfway down the cliff. Rescue units were unable to reach him by ground and called in a rescue helicopter to perform a hoist rescue, said County Fire Captain Dave Zaniboni.

The man was complaining of moderate to major injuries and was transported via helicopter to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital.

Reported by Roger the Scanner Guy
3:40 p.m., February 24, 2019

West Fork of Cold Springs Trail 2800 Block of Gilbraltar.


Written by Roger

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