Rep. Salud Carbajal Tests Positive for COVID-19

Update by the Office of Salud Carbajal
October 6, 2020


Congressman Carbajal issued the following statement after learning he tested positive for COVID-19:

“After discovering I was exposed to an individual who tested positive for COVID-19, I took an initial COVID-19 test which came back negative. Following the negative result, I was instructed to quarantine for 14 days and self-monitor for symptoms.

“After I began to experience mild symptoms, I was instructed to take another test today by the Attending Physician, which resulted in a positive. I will continue to monitor symptoms and carry out my duties virtually.

“The vast majority of my staff has been working remotely and are not at risk. Staff members who I did interact with have been tested and are negative, or are pursuing a test.

“I hope this serves a reminder of how easily this virus can spread. I followed every precaution, including wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand-washing and unfortunately was still exposed. It is incumbent on every single one of us to take careful precautions in order to protect the health and safety of those around us.

“Thank you for the well wishes, I look forward to returning to the Central Coast soon as I am able.”

Source: Office of Salud Carbajal
October 5, 2020


Congressman Carbajal issued the following statement after becoming exposed to an individual who tested positive for COVID-19:

“No one is immune to contracting coronavirus and Congress is certainly no exception. Despite taking every precaution — including wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand-washing — I have learned I was exposed to an individual who tested positive for COVID-19. I immediately got tested, which thankfully came back negative and I will continue to consult with my doctor.

“Given that symptoms may still appear up to two weeks after exposure to the virus, the House Attending Physician directed me to stay in Washington, DC and quarantine for 14 days to self-monitor for symptoms. Accordingly, I will be carrying out my responsibilities virtually in order to protect the health and safety of others.”


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Caldwell does his homework, writes brilliant opinion pieces, has been proven right on all issues and has well earned the chance to bring an independent voices to Congress from this area; not just a special interest one-note drone like Carbajal who votes the straight Nancy Pelosi ticket 100% of the time. We need someone who will represent the unique concerns of this central coast district; not just the special interests of the Democrat Party. Caldwell signs all over north county – there are a lot of votes for Caldwell in this congressional district.

  2. @Byzzare – Andy Caldwell has espoused racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic rhetoric. I understand this is the new normal for many on the right but I still believe in the vision our founding fathers had for America. That EVERYONE is treated equally and fairly under the law. It isn’t so in today’s America but I still have hope for the future. Caldwell is not the future.

  3. Generaltree – you know you can get banned from Facebook, Twitter, etc for saying that. I hate Trump with a passion, but don’t “hope” anything like that. You shouldn’t ever wish that, especially not publicly…..

  4. 420722 – Yeah, even liberals break the “law” once in a while haha! Who knows though, it would be really helpful to be able to pinpoint the source of infection for anyone. I sure would like to know if infection is likely even while wearing a mask and keeping my kids home from school and sports. If we’re doing all this for nothing, yeah, I want to know!

  5. Andy believes in conversion therapy. Also, he has been known for his misogyny for decades. For years, he referred to the 3 female supes as witches/hags. He thought he was so clever. 50% of his audience knew him for what is was/is and would never vote for him. Bad choice of a candidate by the opposition.

  6. It’s hilarious how some folks are pointing to the fact that only Republican leaders are getting COVID as evidence that there must be some liberal-led “biological” attack (eg, they put COVID on Trump’s mic at the debate). The reason they keep getting it is because they blatantly and proudly ignore and refuse to follow simple safety precautions. I’m sure Salud was spared because he wore a mask and distanced. You can’t complain when you get the very virus you say is a hoax. Reap what you sow!

  7. SacJon, I don’t think I’m the only liberal, but there are fewer of us posting than the Party of Trump people here. Gtownie, Doulie, 420722, Byzan, ConservSB, GetOffMyLawn, SBGetAlong, CSF, USA in Ruins and others. Not to mention the ones that have come and gone like Factotum or maybe have a new name. I don’t care about liberal/conservative so much, but I don’t see the Trumpers posting any solutions, only criticisms. And some of the solutions they do post are pretty extreme.

  8. Am sorry to hear of Salud’s positive test and hope he recovers quickly and fully.
    Also, I hope that we as a community can get some relief from the ever-whiny ever-complaining Andy Caldwell at some point soon; labor, agriculture, and business are NOT well served by him.

  9. Pitmix, I’m not a Trumper but here is a solution: #1 isolate the at-risk and elderly, #2 allow those not “comfortable” to self isolate, #3 maintain adequate hospital capacity, and #4 those that choose to get back to normal do so. If people choose to stay home, not go to restaurants, and home school their kids that is their choice. If people choose get on with their lives, eat out at restaurants, and send their kids to school, that is their choice. The argument about killing grandma if we open up is BS, because rule #1. If you’re in the at-risk category, groceries delivered and remote learning with your child is the recommended option for you; if you don’t like the recommendation you’re free to make your own decisions about your personal risk. Liberalism used to be about autonomy of the individual and the protection of civil liberties. Yet today, it’s the liberals that want to tell everyone how to live, to take away their freedom of choice and the “Trumpers” want to simply live and let live. Cray year 2020…

  10. Let’s say Colab gets elected, in an alternate universe. He goes to Congress. None of his bills pass because he is extreme and in the minority party. Exactly how does that help the Central Coast again, except to make the process work worse than it already does?

  11. Repeat after me, MASKS don’t prevent you from getting INFECTD. Masks help to PREVENT you from infecting OTHERS if you are sick and asymptomatic (or symptomatic for IDIOTS that know they are sick but don’t quarantine). If you are afraid of getting sick, you would have to wear full PPE and even then some of those medical people still get sick.

  12. So he has social distanced himself ,wore his mask and washed his hands. Now he has tested positive. He has been on planes been to meetings then has come down with Covid anyway. If he is healthy he should have no issue getting over this. We can not lock down the country. We need to get a heather society. Build up our immune systems get rid of processed food. No crumble our world.

  13. Mitigating consequences in the co-morbid population is as much as we could ever expect to accomplish. Changing the goal posts to 100% elimination and 100% lockdown until that is achieved has been 100% madness. We have to live with sensible mitigation. Period.

  14. POLITICO………:” Asked about Carbajal’s account, Lee’s office said the senator did not interact with Carbajal in-person after he tested positive. The two lawmakers live in the same building.
    “Sen. Lee says he told everyone in the building he tested positive as soon as he got his test back and has not talked to Rep. Carbajal except by phone since then,” said Conn Carroll, a Lee spokesperson.
    Carroll did not say whether Lee and Carbajal had an in-person interaction prior to the senator’s positive test result……”

  15. Some people consider a job as a chief of staff to a very successful supervisor, and then many years as a supervisor, to be real jobs. Being a politician in our system takes a lot of skill, as you can see by what happens when an unsuccessful businessman tries to be a President. But you are probably okay with watching our country go down the tubes following the lead of non-career politicians.

  16. CSF – I agree with you on this, in that I don’t think masks are the magic shield many perceive them to be. I never really felt that a mask would fully protect me, especially when 90% of people out there aren’t washing them and wearing them correctly.

  17. Trump is horrible…but so are many career politicians. Using either as an example to completely disregard the other is ridiculous. There are many career politicians who’s main skill set is fundraising and getting re-elected and are doing just as much to flush our city/county/state/country down the drain as some non-career politicians…and obviously the opposite is true as well.

  18. CWANZY – do have even the slightest idea how hard these politicians work? This isn’t a 9-5 M-F job. Republican or Democratic, it takes a LOT of hard work, ambition and determination to achieve an elected position, especially one like this. Just because you clearly don’t like his politics doesn’t mean this guy probably works harder than anyone on this thread.

  19. Caldwell has been sucking at the teat of COLAB for decades. He IS COLAB. They claim 1000 members. I see no evidence of that. Check out their webpage. Buried in there somewhere are their financials. Caldwell is the only paid employee (i think Mike Brown crawled back into his retirement hole). Expenses are close to 176,000 the last time I looked. So he sits at these meetings in his plaid shirts, whines away at each item, and gets the big bucks as a lobbyist while the rest of us have to take off work or volunteer the time to speak up for important issues.

  20. To say that masks don’t work, when it has been scientifically proven to drastically lower transmission is irresponsible at best, dangerous, ignorant and misleading. Wear the mask, and not down under your nose, either.

  21. SACJON: I won’t go as far as to say that masks don’t work, but hear me out. Even the masks that health care workers (HCW) use are not that effective, given that SB county has reported a total of 476 HCW have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Unless you’re going to suggest that these HCW are totally irresponsible and are not taking CoV seriously, you’ll agree that it’s likely they contracted SARS-CoV-2 despite wearing masks and following all of the training and guidance. Furthermore, I’ve already—many, many times—posted peer-reviewed journal articles about the effectiveness of masks…but here we go again ( For those who don’t want to read, the key takeaway is, “…there was no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza among health care personnel with the use of N95 respirators (8.2%) vs medical masks (7.2%).” Therefore, even the best masks afforded to HCW are not perfect. There are many similar articles with nearly identical conclusions, namely that both types are masks are roughly equivalent and neither can provide better than 90-95% protection. There are a lot of people out there kidding themselves about the effectiveness of mask.

  22. Again, masks don’t keep you from getting the virus. Only full PPE can do that. Masks only help you in preventing the spread to other people. Seems to me if you criticize someone on false pretenses, your whole point is undermined. But I guess it makes you feel good in some way!

  23. You’re all dillusional if you think these guys work hard. They have a staff of people that do all of the grunt work. Having the ability to BS people into voting for you is NOT a great skill set. When this country was founded, there was no intent to have these guys in political office their entire lives.

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