Rep. Carbajal Pushes To Unlock Additional Federal Aid for Central Coast Communities Impacted by Recent Storms

Rep. Salud Carbajal (edhat photo)

Carbajal backs Governor Gavin Newsom’s request for ‘major disaster declaration’ to enable additional federal assistance for recovery efforts

Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24) is urging President Biden to approve California Governor Gavin Newsom’s request for a major disaster declaration, which would unlock additional federal storm aid for Central Coast communities impacted by recent winter storms, flooding, and other extreme weather.

The federal disaster declaration requested by Governor Newsom would provide Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding to help repair damages from storms, flooding, landslides, mudslides, and tornadoes that occurred between January 31 and February 9, 2024 in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Ventura and other select California counties.

“I am grateful for the swift support your Administration has afforded to our region in the wake of the severe winter storms. However, public assistance is necessary to help the region recover,” Rep. Carbajal wrote to President Biden.

In his letter, Rep. Carbajal detailed the damage seen across the Central Coast: “In the City of San Luis Obispo, the storm caused severe damage to eight steel firehouse rollup bay doors. In Santa Barbara County, the County experienced severe cold temperatures, snow in higher elevations, flooding, among other extreme weather. At the San Marcos Pass, Santa Barbara County rainfall gauges measured nine inches of rain and four inches of rain in the City of Santa Barbara within a 24-hour period. This prompted Santa Barbara County to issue a flash flood warning. Additionally, Mission Canyon and Mission Creek experienced severe erosion, causing retaining walls to collapse. In Ventura County, residents also experienced extensive flooding. This led to serious damage to our roadways, bridges, and other water infrastructure. Mudslides blocked State Route 33 in the Los Padres National Forest.”

The major disaster declaration requested of President Biden would unlock Public Assistance from FEMA for state, local, and tribal governments to support debris removal, emergency protective measures, and other emergency infrastructure and work measures on the Central Coast and elsewhere in California.

The full text of his letter to President Biden can be found here.

Rep. Carbajal helped petition the Biden Administration to unlock federal aid for communities impacted by repeated atmospheric rivers and extreme weather last winter.


Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo County and Ventura County. He is a member of the Agriculture and Armed Services Committees, as well as the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he serves as the top Democrat on the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee.


Written by Rep.SaludCarbajal

Press releases from the office of Rep. Salud Carbajal. He represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo County and Ventura County. Learn more at

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  1. Hmm, really Salud? Sounds like there’s too much of all our taxpayers’ money just out there to be had for whoever wants to ask for it. “Lots of rain, retaining wallls, erosion, flash flood warnings”… That’s it? This is all of our dollars. Shouldn’t it be better spent?

    • Ok BASIC, what else would you use “federal storm aid” funds from FEMA for? Why would you oppose using money that’s basically already earmarked for people suffering from storm damage? What would you spend it on?

      • How can I explain this? I’ll try. You ever heard the story of the kid who cries wolf? I know it’s a little different but it’s relevant. You’ve probably heard it. Anyways, I’d go back to the root of the issue – don’t ask for what you don’t need. Your argument of “the money’s there so why not spend it” is killing us, as a society. Zero thought, just tax and spend. I disagree with that.

        There ARE many folks who DO need FEMA money. It’s not us in SB right now. But hey, if you just want it more than folks who got their homes destroyed elsewhere by a tornado or flood, well…that’s on you.

        • BASIC – how do you know what “folks” need? Did you read the article, even a little bit? It’s not just for homes, it’s for “debris removal, emergency protective measures, and other emergency infrastructure and work measures on the Central Coast and elsewhere in California.”

          Pro tip: read the article thoroughly before complaining about using storm aid for storm damage.

          • Oh, I read it. Think big picture Sac – like others who have toro dies and floods hitting their homes in our country. I’m aware if the greater good, are you?

            • Lol yeah right…. yet you still focus on home damage. Look at our roads. Look at the debris flow damage we incur each year. Our local infrastructure is damaged by storms annually. Nothing wrong in my mind using federal funds that were set aside for this purpose, for this purpose.

              No one is being left homeless because SB county is getting money to fix our roads and clear out debris basins.

              • Roads? How about getting out of your personal, little Edhat computer box life and realizing there are so many other people who are dealing with way bigger problems than potholes in SB? That what I see. Federal funds – think about other folks – maybe the tornado or flood that hits through an entire neighborhood, a flood, etc.

  2. Hey, I get it – Salud’s playing the game. It’s a game of groveling for pork at the Federal level. Many need help, and many don’t need it nearly as much, in my opinion. Everyone’s gotta get a piece of it, or “it goes to waste”? The problem is we all pay for everything. Don’t expect to keep getting bailed out.

    • “bailed out?” – is that really what you think is happening here? As many still CONTINUE to rebuild and try to live again after the 2018 mudslides we’re just “bailing them out?” Good God man. How many more locals need to die or be harmed before you let anyone talk about rescue/rebuilding/preventing?

      You know this is 100% YOU. No one else in their right mind screams and whines EVERY. TIME. there is any mention of people being helped.

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