Rep. Carbajal Announces Over $20,000,000 In Federal Grants for Central Coast Head Start

Rep. Carbajal with staff and board members from the Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County (CAPSLO). CAPSLO is receiving $14 million in federal grants for their Head Start programs. (courtesy)

Carbajal, a former Head Start parent involvement coordinator, helped pass a $1 billion increase for Head Start and child care programs in last month’s federal funding deal

Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24) announced that his work securing a boost in funding for federal early education programs is delivering more than $20 million in grants for Head Start programs in both San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties.

Rep. Carbajal, who earlier in his career worked with Head Start as a Parent Involvement Coordinator and Family Services Advocate, visited the Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County (CAPSLO) yesterday to announce the new grants.

“One of my first jobs was working with Head Start–and I saw firsthand the huge impacts that their programming can have in giving every child on the Central Coast the chance to receive a high-quality education,” said Congressman Carbajal. “That’s why I’ve pushed every year that I’ve been in Congress to increase the funding for these programs, and to ensure the Central Coast has the resources it needs to help our local Head Start providers maintain this critical community service. After delivering nearly a billion-dollar increase in last year’s funding package, I’m proud to see the Central Coast benefit from this robust increase this year.”

Congressman Carbajal and CAPSLO CEO Biz Steinberg tour the lot at 46 Prado Road recently purchased by CAPSLO to expand their campus and build additional shelter for families experiencing homelessness (courtesy)

The grants announced today are:

  • $14,000,782 for Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County (CAPSLO)
  • $6,696,157 for CommUnify, formerly the Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara

Last month, Rep. Carbajal helped get a $1 billion increase in federal funding for Head Start and other child care programs signed into law as part of the bipartisan federal funding agreement for Fiscal Year 2024.

“CAPSLO is honored to provide the high-quality Head Start Program to low-income children and their families. This will be the 59th year of providing comprehensive child development services for children ages 0-5. Congressman Salud Carbajal makes time for Head Start Center visits annually,”stated Biz Steinberg, CEO of CAPSLO.

Congressman Carbajal met with CommUnify’s CEO Patricia Keelean, Director of Community Services Kemba Lawrence, and Director of Family and Youth Services Natalia Alarcon in his Washington D.C. office (right to left).

“CommUnify is immensely grateful to Congress for their unwavering support and funding of our Head Start program in Santa Barbara County. This vital investment secures a brighter future for all children, equipping them with high quality early education, health screenings, nutritious meals, and essential behavioral health services. Working collaboratively with parents, our mission is to ensure every child is socially, emotionally, and academically prepared for kindergarten. CommUnify extends heartfelt appreciation to Congressman Carbajal for his tireless advocacy for local Head Start programs in Santa Barbara County and throughout California’s 24th District. With his firsthand experience in our Head Start program early in his career, Congressman Carbajal deeply understands the program’s value and its profound impact on every child’s academic success and future,” said Patricia Keelean, CEO of CommUnify.

Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo County and Ventura County. He is a member of the Agriculture and Armed Services Committees, as well as the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he serves as the top Democrat on the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee.


Written by Rep.SaludCarbajal

Press releases from the office of Rep. Salud Carbajal. He represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo County and Ventura County. Learn more at

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