Rep. Carbajal Announces $7,000,000 in New Federal Housing Grants for Central Coast

Rep. Salud Carbajal (edhat photo)

New funds supporting affordable housing construction across Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties

[On Monday], Congressman Salud Carbajal announced more than $7.1 million in new federal housing grants to increase the availability of affordable housing options on the Central Coast across all three counties he represents in Congress.

“My top priority in Congress is lowering the cost of living for Central Coast families, and I know that begins with the roof over their heads, and I am proud that the budgets that I have supported are delivering such robust investments in new workforce housing options, improving the quality of existing affordable housing options, and creating more avenues to helping those currently experiencing homelessness,” said Rep. Carbajal. “The latest inflation report shows that housing costs remain central to curbing rising costs – so these investments cannot come at a more critical time. Every family should be able to afford to keep a roof over their head in our region.”

Last month, Rep. Carbajal helped approve a nearly 5% increase in funding for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the current fiscal year. Last year, he worked with his colleagues in Congress to approve a 15% increase to housing dollars over the previous year’s federal budget.

The funds announced today are:

  1. $4,747,204 for the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara (HASBARCO) This funding from the National Housing Trust Fund will support the construction of more than 60 new affordable units for disabled, chronically homeless, and special needs communities as part of larger Heritage Ridge Residential project in Goleta.

“We are excited about the NHTF funding award,” said Bob Havlicek, HASBARCO Executive Director. “This federal funding is a critical component needed to help fill the funding gap for our Heritage Ridge Special Needs Family development, a permanent supportive housing development. We are very grateful for the Congressman’s unwavering support to help meet the deepest needs in the communities we serve.”

The Heritage Ridge project is designed to include 332 new units, including more than 100 affordable units, as well as a public park, community room, and on-site supportive services.

  1. $906,457 for public housing repairs at properties overseen by the Housing Authority of the County of Ventura.

“The Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura’s 354 public housing units were built by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the 80s and 90s. With residents paying 30% of their income for rent, the properties do not have funds to maintain building systems or to replace roofs. This infusion of Capital Fund Program monies allows us to continue to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing to families of our communities,” said Michael Nigh, Executive Director for the Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura.

  1. $862,571 for public housing repairs at properties overseen by the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura.

“We express our gratitude for Congress’ ongoing commitment to investing in the Public Housing program. Since its inception, this program has played a vital role in meeting the housing needs of countless families. The annual allocation of Capital Funds ensures we can address capital and management activities within our public housing inventory, furthering our mission to provide safe and affordable housing in the City of Ventura,” said Jeffrey Lambert, CEO of the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura.

  1. $419,000 through HUDs’ NeighborWorks America program for Central Coast affordable housing developer People’s Self-Help Housing Corporation.

“The success and wellness of every American is dependent on having a safe and secure place to call home,” said CEO & President of People’s Self-Help Housing Ken Trigueiro. “This investment from NeighborWorks America and the support of housing champions like Congressman Carbajal will see a return on that investment in increased numbers of graduating students, healthy families, an industrious frontline essential workforce including farmworkers, honored veterans, and seniors able to enjoy well-earned retirements. Home is where it all begins.”

PSHH is responsible for affordable housing projects in San Luis Obispo, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties.

  1. $244,000 through HUDs’ NeighborWorks America program for Central Coast affordable housing developer Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation.

“NeighborWorks America’s grants to Cabrillo EDC are a testament to their commitment to community empowerment,” said Margarita H. de Escontrias, CEO of Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation. “This vital support will help further the development and preservation of affordable housing, revitalize and sustain neighborhoods, and create jobs in California.”

Rep. Carbajal recently announced a $3.5 million grant for the Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation from the National Housing Trust Fund to support construction of fifty new affordable housing units outside of Ojai.

The National Housing Trust Fund allocated $62 million to California last year for construction and maintenance of affordable housing.

Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo County and Ventura County. He is a member of the Agriculture and Armed Services Committees, as well as the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he serves as the top Democrat on the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee.


Written by Rep.SaludCarbajal

Press releases from the office of Rep. Salud Carbajal. He represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo County and Ventura County. Learn more at

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  1. Yikes Salud! Where do you think the water will come from? I believe the current ‘build it and they will come’ policy in our state is totally flawed. We’re rapidly outstretching out natural resources and diminishing our quality of life.

    • There is no ” ‘build it and they will come’ (sic)” policy. They’re not building affordable housing to attract people to the state.

      But, I agree, more building isn’t the answer. We need to use existing buildings such as vacant malls and stop turning them into more hotels for the rich. The focus should be on housing for those who work in SB that provide necessary services for those who can afford to live here. I’m talking about teachers, first responders, medical and legal staff, maintenance, etc

      • Yes, Anonymous, I do. And I’d like to maintain it, as would many others who’ve lived here a long time. Ask around. Our area used to pride itself on a no/slow-growth philosophy. Nowadays, voters are electing politicians that are pro-growth. There’s been a big shift.

        SB and Goleta have become so crowded in the past 50 years. Way more traffic, way more development, and way less open space. We cannot keep on building more and more in the name of “affordable housing” without completely ruining what we have here. You like LA? Go there and see. Or the Bay – take a look. If you don’t mind that maybe you should either move there or realize how different our area still is, and yet how close we are to becoming another extension of LA.

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