Rep. Carbajal and Lompoc Mayor Highlight Over $11M in Funding for Infrastructure

By the Office of Rep. Salud Carbajal

Yesterday, Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24) and Lompoc Mayor Jenelle Osborne toured examples of how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) is providing funding for infrastructure upgrades and transit operations in the City of Lompoc, and discussed how these programs will raise the quality of life for Lompoc residents.

Since the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was signed at the end of 2021, over $11,000,000 has been allocated to fund projects and support operations in Lompoc.

“You might be driving on a road, flying out of an airport, or taking a bus that is being funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and not even know it.” said Rep. Carbajal. “The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is delivering investments all across the region that are vital to the functioning of our communities, and these Lompoc taxpayer dollars coming back to Lompoc are just a few of the many ways this landmark law is helping improve the day-to-day life of Central Coast residents.”

“The federal funds that Congressman Carbajal has supported and appropriated for the city of Lompoc have been a game changer for our community,” said Mayor Osborne. “We have invested in public safety equipment, park renovations, and infrastructure that not only improve the quality of life and safety for all our residents, but the funds are also creating additional jobs and economic development. By working together across all levels of government, the city is investing in long overdue projects and looking for additional partnerships to build on these achievements. Thank you, Congressman Carbajal, for the ongoing support of Lompoc.”

Funding provided through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which was championed in Congress by Rep. Carbajal through his role on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, delivered over $9.5 million for renovations and repairs at Lompoc Airport and $1.7 million to support transit operations at City of Lompoc Transit.

The City is also receiving funding through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program, a grant program funded in part by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to upgrade the energy efficiency of the city’s electrical grid.

Rep. Carbajal recently noted a milestone of $500,000,000 in federal funding that has already been delivered by the landmark law for nearly 100 projects across the Central Coast to support upgrades to airports, transit systems, climate resilient initiatives, and high-speed broadband connectivity.

Rep. Carbajal and Mayor Osborne were joined on their tour of infrastructure stops by City Manager Dean Albro, Public Works Director Michael Luther, and Aviation Transportation Administrator Richard Fernbaugh.

(Above) Rep. Carbajal and City of Lompoc officials tour Lompoc Airport, which has been awarded more than $9.5 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for renovations and repairs, including repaved runways and upgraded lighting. Left to Right: City Manager Dean Albro, Public Works Director Michael Luther, Mayor Jenelle Osborne, Rep. Salud Carbajal, and Lompoc Airport Aviation Transportation Administrator Richard Fernbaugh.

(Above) Mayor Osborne, Rep. Carbajal, and City Manager Dean Albro at Ryon Park in Lompoc discuss how funds from the federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will help the City upgrade energy efficiency in the city’s electric grid. The lighting at Ryon Park is being upgraded along with other renovations, including new tennis and pickleball courts.


Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo County and Ventura County. He is a member of the Agriculture and Armed Services Committees, as well as the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he serves as the top Democrat on the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. I don’t care what this guy said about Lompoc. We all do and say things we end up regretting at some point in our lives/careers. If he doesn’t regret it, I still don’t care as long as he keeps that money coming in to improve infrastructure in our town. Those of us that appreciate living in Lompoc don’t let words like that hurt us. WE know it’s not true. It certainly isn’t Santa Barbara but we’re ok with that.

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