Plaza Granada Breaks Ground

By edhat staff

City officials broke ground last week for a new pedestrian pathway behind the Granada Theatre.  

The 10,000 square-foot area is located behind the theatre at 1214 State Street and next to the parking garage on Victoria and Anacapa Streets.

Plaza Granada is described to be a “landscaped, well-lit space providing safe access to patrons, a limited number of parking spaces, and improved parking and drop-off facility for the backstage of the theater” replacing the current “crowded, unattractive area where cars, buses, and trucks share space with a constant flow of pedestrians,” according to the Granada Theatre.

The new space will feature improved lighting and landscaping, trash and recycling enclosures, and an 8×150 foot mural by Santa Barbara muralists Tracy Lee Stum and Sayak Mitra.

The $2 million project will be paid through fundraising and is expected to be completed by June.

A rendering of the plaza will include parking spaces and drop-off facility for the backstage of the theater. (Photo: The Cearnal Collective)

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. 2 million for that? nice waste of tax dollars (again) SB! Do we REALLY need this right now? No. I’ve been uptown several times last few weekends and….it’s a ghost town from Vic to Carrillo. So why blow this money on something that is NOT needed right now and frankly wasn’t needed to begin with. I really ….really REALLY hate the current city council and mayor…just awful

  2. Too bad that people who have $2 million to give away won’t donate it to something of value (and where they’d get a tax deduction — or is this, providing resting and sleeping space for homeless, tax deductible?
    Who will vet the mural? Since it’s public art it should go before the arts advisory, unless of course it will follow the path of the murals at Ortega Park?

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