By an edhat reader
If you live in Marine Terrace be sure to check your mail today! Just got a notification from SCE that power in our area of the Mesa will be down all day on July 24. Only four days notice where we would typically get a couple of weeks. Lots of homes with lots of frozen foods during mid-summer and mid-pandemic.
More time should be given many of us cannot afford to toss out food that goes bad and if it gets hot some of us cannot handle the heat. I don’t live on the Mesa but feel for those who do.
Freezer yes, refrigerator no. According the to FDA, a freezer will stay at temp for up to 48 hrs for a full freezer, and 24 hrs for half-full. A refrigerator will only stay at temp for 4 hours! Of course those numbers are assuming you do not open the door even one time. They recommend pre-freezing refrigerated foods if you can, and freeze cups of water to put in the refrigerator to help it stay cooler longer.