Parma Park Car Break-ins

By an edhat reader

Anyone else have their car window smashed and car broken into recently near the Parma Park trailhead? My car was broken into on Thursday, 11/21, at around 5pm. It appeared that there were other vehicles broken into, since there was glass. They attempted to use my cards at several local gas station and I’m researching camera footage. Maybe we can catch these thieves, if we find a common suspects in the footage, based on the times they attempted to use stolen cards.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. To OP – I ask this each time a thread like this appears. Why did you leave something of value (credit cards) in the car, knowing it was parked in a relatively deserted location ripe for the picking? I ask this also of Isla Vista residents when they leave their doors and windows unlocked. I’m curious about this rather than judgmental because leaving valuables unsecured seems to be so common.

  2. Not content to take over our parks, our public spaces, our library, our downtown, we now have crime at trail heads too. One will be forced to live in a hermetically sealed cocoon in due time if we keep this downward trend going. Blaming the victims doesn’t cut it. Here is what does, a vote of no confidence in our law enforcement leaders and those who give them direction – our city council and county board of supervisors – they are the ones who direct local law enforcement to not be where they need to be, while wasting too much time coddling those who should not even be here in the first place.

  3. Not the OP, but I think, CURMUDGEON, your question is rhetorical, correct? We all leave things lying around occasionally and leave our homes/vehicles somewhat vulnerable at times because we live in the hope that we don’t need to police every single possession and movement in our existence. I lock my bike, I lock my home’s doors at night, but I like to think that, at least sometimes, I can let down my guard without having some perp jump right in to steal my stuff. What a world we live in, where one can’t even take a lovely hike in the front country without some a–wipes busting into our cars.

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