Parking Laws are Now Enforced Seven Days Per Week in Downtown Santa Barbara.
It just so happened to be for some time, One could possibly park in the yellow commercial zones in Santa Barbara, especially on Sundays. This is no longer true. Since at least February 18th parking enforcement occurs even on Sundays in the larger Santa Barbara footprint.
Visitors, and Santa Barbara’s own drivers believed they could almost park anywhere on Sunday afternoons. There are now ar least eight parking enforcement officers assigned and enforcing parking rules during all seven days of the week in S.B..
On Sunday, 02/25/24, a Parking Enforcement Officer was the first to respond to a stalled vehicle at the Hwy 101 underpass on Garden St. A young man had run out of gas at the intersection below the freeway.
Thankfully, the traffic officer was able to provide safety and traffic control while assistance was arranged for the man. Help soon arrived with a small amount of fuel to restart the car. Thus, the scene was soon cleared by SBPD and parking services.

A little misleading. I believe there are many parking laws that are not enforceable on Sunday and this is noted on the signage or curb markings.
True, time-frames are posted. Read the signs people. Yellow Zones, often say “At All Times.” I’m just letting the public know, they are enforcing 7 days per week now.
And, from experience, people call the PD at all times ‘to report people parked in front of their drive way. Double parking, parked in the red with flashers on, no placard in a handicap, also, parked on the sidewalk–that one gets a quick response.
Many, call and report these instances at all times. day or night, SBPD responds to the those too. The Parking Enforcement Officers are now out 7 day per week during business hours—just a friendly reminder. Sorry for any confusion. Just reporting, the best that possibly can, with limited resources. Please, just be well everyone.
I saw many tickets on windshields the past two Sundays for parking in the Yellow-Zones. Again, be aware.
*to those too. Not, “…to the those too…” LoL Oops.
I don’t think this is true either. Posted signs that allow parking on Sundays will supersede any ticket.
I personally saw many cars getting tickets two Sundays ago. The Yellow Zones often say enforced at All Times, and the PEO also stated this is true. Fifteen Minute Zones, now, mean this even on Sunday. Go ahead and test it out. LoL
Another reason for locals not to come downtown on Sundays. Over the years, council after council has destroyed a once vibrant shopping area into a retail Zombie Land, where retailers of basic goods are unable to survive. If you want food, booze or useless tourist merchandise, then downtown State Street is made for you! With the people making the decisions on the council having no knowledge of retailing and storefront real estate, we are in for a long and costly ride. State Street will not improve anytime soon and it might even get worse.
Geo, I’m confused by your writeup. How did you come to this conclusion that “Parking Laws are Now Enforced Seven Days Per Week in Downtown Santa Barbara”? What inspired this?
I spoke to the Parking Officer that was the first to respond. She stated they now have enough staff to even cover Sunday’s. Many people think they can park in yellow commercial zones on Sunday. Many of those yellow zones say “…Enforced at all times”
It’s not personal to report on any of this. Although, I recall when “I thought ‘If I park my Chevy van backwards in one of these’ lots they won’t notice my tags are more than six months out’. Wrong, they got me. Many times! This, because my SMOG system would not pass the biannual test. They would still issue a citation regardless of my attempts to fix the mechanical issue.
I used to care-for-and-watch-my-kids-everyday at their mothers home during their early childhood. I would often forget what ‘sweeping schedules were in effect on Wed. or Thursday.’ I would end up paying between $600 – $900 annually for this chronic forgetfulness.
Again, as stated earlier. Read all the signs. And, unrelatedly, if In L.A. read the signs 400 feet down the road, they matter too. I learned the HW that the all the posted notices matter. Even if they are out of your ‘visible area.’
Since when did the require smog checks twice a year, is that another new law.
They don’t, TAGDES. “Biannual” can mean twice a year OR every two years.
Wrong. Biannual has one definition. It means twice a year. That’s it.
Nice troll, there Ranger Rick! You’re absolutely and completely wrong though, of course.
“When we describe something as biannual, we can mean either that it occurs twice a year or that it occurs once every two years.”
” However, biannual can also mean “every two years,”
Do you even bother to look things up before you start spewing lies? Didn’t think so.
Jeez dude…. starting to feel sorry for you.
I refer to the Cambridge definition, which is unambiguous. Check it out. I saw the same references you found on google though. Very pissy/patronizing post, as usual.
LOL whatever “Doc.” The only pissy one here is YOU, calling Merriam Webster and wrong.
Even if Cambridge says otherwise, your statement that “Biannual has one definition. It means twice a year. That’s it.” is 100%, verifiably, proven WRONG.
Hilarious that you’re trying to argue this when you’re so clearly and absolutely wrong.
hey BASIC – do you mean THIS “Cambridge definition?”
once every two years:
The fair has been held biannually since the 1980s.
Whoops, I copied the wrong link. Here you go, from Cambridge:
Basic knowledge is correct. We men In your case. Over and Over and Over and Over.
Hey SACJON, why do you have to shout my name, maybe you should try a little computer etiquette.
Hey TAGDES – LOL so sorry I was loud. Honestly though, I’ve ALWAYS capitalized names, check any of my comments over the last 10 years. A leftover from the old site when ALL NAMES WERE IN CAPS.
Seriously man….
Not misleading but informative. Kind of like speeding, against the law but not chargeable unless seen by an officer. Now they have more officers. So you might be getting a ticket soon if you’re parking in the yellow on Sundays. Thanks Geo for passing the info along. They don’t hesitate to ticket the Hummer even though it’s electric and sustainable. They should pay me for being a good example.
While they’re at it they could cite all the Teslas for not having front license plates. They could add more money to their coffers. Make it a citation, not just a fix it ticket.
True that, but since the Tesla’s aren’t politically incorrect (yet) like the Hummer, even if it’s electric – (they suddenly remember the fossil fuel powered electrical grid and all the children in the mines in Asia and Africa when they realize that the Hummer is NOT powered by the most highly regulated energy source in history that is still the most efficient, regulated, and a contributor to ending slavery – oil) – don’t expect that source of government revenue to start anytime soon. In fact, the government is going to end up giving welfare to EV owners when they start breaking down and cost $$$ to repair and there is no alternative because cheap efficient cars can’t even be sold anymore. Fortunately my other car is a 1978 Dodge Colt. I only bought the electric Hummer to shut up my wife who wanted an EV and she won’t even ride in it much less drive it herself lol so she’s stuck with her Gwagon. At least she lets me take the kids downtown in the Hummer to go shopping on Sundays so I can get more parking tickets (now) and a couple of drinks at Joes that I can sleep off before those urchins want a ride home after maxing out another one of my cards.
?!?! That all sounds … unspeakable.
Truth be told, it’s just unbelievable carbon propaganda, which is only unspeakable if you have a conscience or critical thinking abilities..
I especially like the part of having a couple of drinks at Joe’s, sleeping it off and then driving… You should check your BAC, Longtime
Check your attitude toward your wife too.
Might be a problem if you “sleeping it off” while behind the wheel and contacted by the cops.
Electric vehicles are the future. Face it. They’re better on almost every metric.
LONGTIME – hilarious, but if true…. disgusting.
GEO DUARTE – Thank you for all your hard work and bringing us these updates! It’s much appreciated. Please ignore the trolls with their falsities and keep up the great work!
The city could clean up on violation in the lower westside. One day, walking around one block, I counted 13. I’ve seen cars that could get tickets on 3 different violations, red zone, fire hydrants, parking periductular instead of parallel parked to curb.