Panhandler Assaults Resident

Code 242: Assault, an aggressive panhandler that was turned down starts a fight with the victim.


Written by Roger

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  1. Roger, you ok? Re-read my post. You have it backwards. Here it is another way: if you throw an insult at a panhandler, they will likely assault you. Or anyone else that verbally insults them. Hint: I’m no panhandler.

  2. I did see a bunch of homeless guys once years ago crowd around a 16 year old high school girl once back 10 years ago and I intervened then it really angered me they were in her face intimidating her that is no way to treat a kid.

  3. He was not restating what he heard when he opined that he “tried to jack the victim for cash” and “you can’t [go to the bank] without someone trying to force you to give the money” . And, no you can’t physically assault someone because they insulted you but we don’t know what happened. And, we don’t know that the person titled a “victim” by Roger is a victim. All we know from the report is that someone called in with a complaint about this and it is being investigated.

  4. Panhandlers have a reputation for including some who are aggressive about it. Typically they choose people they feel they can intimidate, older people, women, those with slight builds and alone. No sympathy for bullies of any variety here.

  5. Luvaduck: Your comments express unmitigated bigotry and uninformed judgment. “A reputation” and “typically” and “bullies” are conclusionary and vague words unsupported by evidence. If you justify acting out against “panhandlers” based on such stuff you have succumbed to ignorance.

  6. LOL ” Most assaults start with an insult.” Maybe but that still does not give anyone the right to attack someone that is like saying just because some one wears sexy clothing it’s ok to sexually assault them. …So basically I see what you wrote as a threat. You better be ready to defend yourself in court if you assault someone.

  7. Do you not understand the law (or mature adult behavior)? If someone says something to you, ANYTHING, you are not permitted to physically respond, in ANY WAY. There is no defense to hitting (or even unwanted touching). If you hit me and I hit back to defend myself, that’s OK under the laws of self-defense. But, if I say something you don’t like and you hit me, that is NOT OK and you will be fined/jailed/possibly sued. It’s how mature and civilized adults behave, check it out sometime.

  8. Watched these panhandles do this too many times on State Street – scared away all the local foot traffic down town – older women with time and discretionary spending that used to support a vibrant downtown. They scattered when I moved into intervene. I was lucky they did not attack me instead, but it was obvious they were crowding around that poor woman with the intent to intimidate. One brave older lady shouted “stay away from me” after a similar incident. We used to have downtown shoppers. No more.

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