Outdoor Dining Parklet Destroyed in Downtown Santa Barbara

Parklet damaged at 30 W. Anapamu Street (Photo: John Palminteri)

An outdoor dining parklet in downtown Santa Barbara was severely damaged on Monday night, reports John Palminteri.

The wooden structure is located outside the restaurant Milk & Honey at 30 W. Anapamu Street.

A witness said police were questioning a driver and a damaged vehicle in the area, reports Palminteri.

The restaurant was closed at the time of the collision and no one was sitting outside.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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    • Come on, that’s not Santa Barbara like criticizing one of the 33 plans the cities tried to implement or criticize with a 3 ft thick book of guideline ( pipe dream thoughts – or tax payers ideas- make more sense than an city paid professional)for the Parklets . I hink we need to hire a consultant , because the city doesn’t have enough brain cells to figure out what to do. Bicycle safety pedestrian safety is obviously not a big concern. It just becomes s lawsuit when somebody gets hurt and the city pays out another expense for our tax money.

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