Our Gaviota Coast

By John Wiley

Flying along the Gaviota Coast recently, we noticed this little grouping off the point at Refugio. (see above)

Zooming in for a closer look, we could see later on the ground that it was a group of kayaks apparently stationary amid the kelp. Maybe pausing on a paddle, watching marine life, or learning about sea kayaking on a calm day?

Along the coast at El Capitan, the park seemed relatively empty on a nice day. Thinking most people hadn’t set up camp yet, or had gone into town for supplies or goings on about town, we noticed two groups on the beach.

Again we zoomed in to check it out later, and it looks like two different groups out enjoying the day use area. Seeing the beach so wide open, we’re tempted to drive out for some sun & surf.

Adjacent to the South side of 101 just West of Driftwood Beach and Paradiso del Mare, there’s a new bridge going in that’s so solid looking it could be a CalTrans project. Is it more likely for ranch vehicle access to that apparently undeveloped small mesa between arroyos?

John Wiley

Written by John Wiley

John Wiley is a local pilot and longtime contributor to edhat.

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