Op Ed: Yes on T, Yes for Carpinteria

By Leslie Gascoigne, resident of Carpinteria

For the last 5 to 6 years, I’ve witnessed the majority of the City Council members fail to act upon the plethora of public comments (1,100) directly opposed to the private development of public land.  The public meetings followed protocol; citizens were allowed to speak and our elected officials appeared to listen. However, it was obvious that we were not heard. Hence, the birth of the Initiative, the collecting of 1,000+ signatures, and now Measure T to be voted on by citizens of Carpinteria on November 8, 2022.

Currently, we see propaganda and editorial slant from the No on T campaign; there are blatantly incorrect interpretations of the potential impacts of Measure T. The tactic is clear: instilling fear in the uninformed reader to get what they want…The Surfliner Inn. The YES on T campaign is simply trying to STOP Carpinteria from being overdeveloped. The measure is neither deceptive nor dangerous; it is democratic.

Measure T supporters include many long time locals who have been proactive in preserving open space: the Bluffs, the Skate Park, supporting the Art Center, and protecting the environment. We are NOT a small interest group trying to hijack Carp’s future. We are concerned citizens who are taking necessary action to preserve the last of its kind in Southern California…a unique, small town, full of beauty and unpretentious charm. 

There are no contradictions here…no money to be had, no business to grow, no political favors or obligations, no secret agenda! Investigate for yourself and realize there is nothing to hide. Visit: parkinglot3.org, read the YES Campaign Question and Answer flyer, and speak with the supporters. Vote YES on Measure T2022 to keep Carp Carp!

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