Movies Way Back When: Not Bad, For a Girl

By Betsy J. Green

The cars of the 19teens were very unreliable. Tire punctures were common – in part because the roads were not paved well, or not paved at all. Engine problems were also a fairly frequent occurrence. So, when a “Flying A” writer drove all the way from Santa Barbara to Oakland (300+ miles) and back by herself, it made the news in a national silent movie magazine.

“Mabel Condon drove her Santa Barbara car to Oakland last Saturday afternoon and came back Monday. This plucky girl drove all alone too, and it is quite a drive, even for a man.” – Screamer, October 28, 1916

Betsy’s Way Back When book — Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions — is now available in local bookstores and at This is the seventh book in her series on the history of Santa Barbara. Learn more at​.


Written by bjgreen

Betsy J. Green is a Santa Barbara historian and author. Her books are available in local bookstores, and at (Shop local if you can.) Learn more at

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  1. “Not bad for a girl”..” even for a man”….I understand the attempt of this article, but these quotes are beyond derogatory towards well as sexist towards males…while the latter was composed in 2015, your headline is current…composed by a completely socially unaware female…go figure how unaware some people are of their own words..and yet they publish them… it is 2023 Betsy..unfortunately people are still fighting hard for equality and to not have toxic statements like yours in circulation…you are part of a problem that does not have to exist…

  2. I love how PC liberals spend so much time trying to rewrite the past and make it conform to their current way of thinking. Don’t worry that’ll change and what they say tiday will be wrong tomirrow. Situational ethics which is all the thinking that the PC police have to bring to any insight it’s not only boring but attempts to dumb down the thinking of our society, see Idiocracy the movie for 2 hours of this thinking . The original quote was obviously current to the times. The headline was obviously tongue in cheek at worse sarcastic at best and overall a great use of five words to catch attention. If we could only find more synonyms for the word beige I’m positive that cherish and all of her friends will be able to achieve one with the printed word.

  3. Betsy: The vast, Vast, VAST majority of us know that you are not making toxic statements. A person would really have to dig deep to interpret the headline or anything in the article as a “problem.” You are a local treasure and why anyone wants to paint you as some sort of “socially unaware female” is beyond my very woke comprehension.

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