Motorcycle and Car Crash Shuts Down Carrillo Hill Traffic

By Scanner Andrew

Vehicle vs Motorcyclist temporarily shuts down Carrillo Street between San Andres and Miramonte on Friday afternoon.

The motorcyclist was transported to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. Their condition is unknown.

Photo by ScannerAndrew



Written by ScannerAndrew

ScannerAndrew is a volunteer reporter who shares information from emergency scanner traffic and details from the scene of incidents.

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  1. There is NO police traffic enforcement in SB and hasn’t been in years. There are daily “accidents” due to drivers making right turns on red without stopping, running through red lights, not to mention not stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks, and not paying attention while using a hand-held cellphone. People have been injured and sadly a few killed. And still no enforcement.
    In the past, traffic fatalities have driven police enforcement and “adjustments” to road markings and signage. Not so anymore. I’m pretty tired of hearing about the SBPD lack of staffing.

  2. Carrillo Hill has had dangerous accident after accident in recent years. Carrillo needs a renovation similar to the forthcoming Cliff Dr project (glad that’s happening!). We should reduce the speed limit to 30mph, improve bike separation, and actually have police enforce the laws.
    Sincerely hope the motorcyclist is okay. Best wishes…

  3. NotReallyDave asks, “Does government still work for the citizens?” In my opinion, government employees work for government employees. Our bureaucracy (federal, state, county, city) has now gotten so large that it is almost totally self-serving. It’s a massive self-propagating entity for career politicians and entrenched bureaucrats to further their careers enabled by those with sufficient time and money to lobby them.
    We voters/taxpayers only pay the bills.

    • I do not want to be policed but I want the police to do the job that my tax dollars fund and, if not, they should be defunded. How about allocating one tenth of the budget for the new police station to a dedicated traffic enforcement group? How about installing working cameras and using crowd-sourcing apps to determine where best to roll out enforcement?
      From a societal standpoint, all it takes to reduce or eliminate the chaos is, as MEBK wrote, slow down and be considerate of others. If everyone that reads this does just that, 100% of the time, it can become “trending” which forces the inconsiderate to learn a new behavior. I am in favor of a required written “rules of the road” test to renew a driver’s license. Sometimes education and peer pressure works. There will always be morons who don’t get it. So I guess we will still need police/traffic enforcement. Too bad.

  4. For those of you constantly complaining about the Santa Barbara Police Department stop voting to decriminalize felonies and other offences so the PD can actually do their job and show up to City Council meetings to voice your opinions about the lack of PD services, State Street or all the money that is going to be spent on a new police building. During public comments at City Council meetings I hardly hear any of these complaints. This is what public comment is for at City Council not continuing to complain on Edhat. Speak up people.

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