May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Photo by Riccardo Bresciani from Pexels

Source: Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  This year’s theme is “Express Yourself” and is all about how expressing yourself in creative ways can help with self-care and supporting your mental wellness. While we may not be able to celebrate together in person this year, we can still take part in many virtual activities. There are many options for promoting Mental Health Matters Month, all of which can be done from home or online while practicing physical distancing.

Behavioral Wellness will be sponsoring daily virtual activities during the month of May.  Please see the May 2020 Mental Health Awareness Month Virtual Activities Flyer for activities which will occur every day in May at 3 p.m. through Zoom and are open to all.  Additional helpful resource information includes the COVID-19 Guide to Well Being Apps in English and Spanish as well as Mindful Minute brochures in English and Spanish.

Every year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. And, while 1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness during their lifetime, everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health. During this time, staying connected is important now more than ever.  It is important to remember that physical distancing does not mean isolation from others.  Stay connected with others through phone calls, video chats and other creative means.  Take time to reach out to someone who you know may be alone or struggling.

The entire Santa Barbara community is experiencing the challenges connected to the impact of COVID-19.  Now more than ever we need to reject the stigma around mental health. Nobody is every alone.  There is help and support is always available.  Behavioral Wellness remains fully operational during the COVID-19 impact and has expanded to provide telehealth as an additional option for services to protect the safety of clients and staff.

The Behavioral Wellness Access Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1-888-868-1649.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. My advice – turn OFF the news permanently. And any channel that even mentions the words COVID, virus, corona virus. You know what you need to know at this point. Stay safe, be smart and gain perspective – we’ve had flu seasons[2017-2018] that were really bad – almost a million ppl in the hospital and over 80K deaths – and you made it through that.

  2. And, as 5:29 references, it is not over. The conservative prediction is that the US will have 120,000 deaths by November, about six months in. This is not the end either as there is no cure in sight. The choices are a vaccine sometime in about a year or two or herd immunity with more hundreds of thousands dead. Please people, face up to the reality of our situation. This is not going away just because we confront authorities in defense of our interpretation of rights.

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