It’s Day 16 of this year’s March Edness, the last week of the game! Can you guess the location of the photo? Enter your guess in the form below by 8:00 p.m. and be specific. (What’s March Edness?
.)Point Value: 4
(Reminder: You must have a paid edhat subscription to be eligible to play and win prizes. It’s just $5 for the month.
to earn points!)ANSWER
This last standing piece of brick covered in rocks is on the Bluffs Overlook Trail on Ellwood Mesa. More specifically, it’s at the southeast end of Santa Barbara Shores Park and the Sperling Preserve.
One reader stated these red brick columns are part of a housing tract that from the 60s that have since deteriorated. Do other edhat readers have more info?
Day 16 Winners
- kcottrell
- Penelope805
- Macpuzl
- Camster
- Abomb
- SBsurferlife
- BostonBob
- LisaD
- RedCreek
- 805beachlife
- SB_Tahoe
- mfitch54
- Cones
- ScannerAndrew
- Holazola
- GregJ