It’s Day 8 of this year’s March Edness! Can you guess the location of the photo? Enter your guess in the form below by 8:00 p.m. and be specific. (What’s March Edness?
.)Point Value: 2
This beautiful building was recently built as the new mosque for the Islamic Society of Santa Barbara at 302 N. Los Carneros Road in Goleta.
The Islamic Society of Santa Barbara formed in 1985 to facilitate the education and practice of Islam. Designed by architect Ken Mineau the 6,720 square-foot building is two-stories and dons the star and crescent on top of the building. An edhat reader explains the building is meant to resemble a barn, blending in with Goleta’s farming town history.
Day 8 Winners
- Britt
- Penelope805
- mfitch54
- Rone
- holazola
- macpuzl
- Camster
- cones
- HerNameIsRio
- kcottrell
- LisaD
- RexofSB
- jsp047
- tenoreleven
- sacjon
- Abomb
- Neighbor
- RedCreek
- GregJ
- tmo
- Mtndriver
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