It’s Day 4 of this year’s March Edness! Can you guess the location of the photo? Enter your guess in the form below by 8:00 p.m. and be specific. (What’s March Edness? Learn all about it here.)
Point Value: 1
This airport-related structure is approximately located near 800 S. Fairview in Goleta. We’re not exactly sure what it is but many readers have identified it as instrument landing system antennas, airport radar, landing lights, runway alignment system, and more. Either way, it seems important and we like the colors.
Day 4 Winners
- Britt
- Penelope805
- mfitch54
- Rone
- holazola
- macpuzl
- Camster
- cones
- HerNameIsRio
- kcottrell
- LisaD
- RexofSB
- jsp047
- tenoreleven
- sacjon
- chum
- NancysBL
- cathysch
- GregJ
- geckogirl23
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