It’s Day 20 of this year’s March Edness! Can you guess the location of the photo? Enter your guess in the form below by 8:00 p.m. and be specific. (What’s March Edness? Learn all about it
.)Point Value: 4
Guessing has closed and the points have been awarded.
The final answer for March Edness 2019 is… 910 Guadalupe Street (Highway 1) cornering 9th Street in Guadalupe. A sign reads PDR Studio on a pink building. We couldn’t find much information, actually any information, on this studio or what it does, but that door is really cool looking.
Day 20 Point Winners
- Britt
- mfitch54
- Rone
- Penelope805
Congratulations to our 2019 1st place March Edness Winner, Britt! Currently, there is a three-way tie for 2nd place between mfitch54, Rone, and Penelope805. These players will be contacted on Saturday with instructions on the March Edness Lightning Round Tie-Breaker that will take place on Monday, April 1st. It will be no joke.