Source: Santa Barbara Police Department
On Thursday, September 13, 2018, the Santa Barbara Police Department arrested serial-robbery suspect Brent Thomas Lingiardi, age 19. He was taken into custody without incident, ending a twenty-month long crime spree.
During questioning by detectives, Lingiardi, confessed to seven robberies detailing intricate facts about the case that only the suspect would know. A subsequent search warrant executed at his residence collected evidence that bolstered Lingiardi’s admission.
Lingiardi, a Santa Barbara resident, targeted hometown businesses as far back as February of 2017, robbing them of cash and merchandise. Last year, he robbed the Five Points Blenders in the Grass twice, as wells as the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf at State and De La Vina and the Chevron on Coast Village Road. Earlier this year, he was thwarted while attempting to rob the Five Points CVS.
On September 10, 2018 at approximately 11 P.M., a lone male suspect now identified as Lingiardi robbed the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for a second time. Lingiardi entered the business carrying a bat and disguising his face. He went directly to the back office and fled on foot with the entire cash drawer.
On September 11, 2018 at approximately 10 P.M., Santa Barbara Police responded to a call of a robbery that had just occurred at Blenders in the Grass on the Mesa. The suspect, also identified as Lingiardi, wielded a bat and was wearing a mask and black coveralls.
Lingiardi is currently in Santa Barbara County Jail awaiting arraignment for seven felony counts of robbery.
Police request anyone with additional information about Lingiardi and his activities is encouraged to call Santa Barbara Police Detective Douglas Klug at (805) 897-2346 or
This is probably NO surprise to his teachers, peers and his mother, who no doubt is and has been living in denial… which is probably the reason he was doing robberies as his mommy wasn’t listening.
Could be he is just a junky, too.
A quick google search reveals that he has not had a father figure. His biological dad appears to be living in Italy.
Those eyes..
Thanks, it’s good to have a few facts before sounding off. Let’s hope he gets the help he needs and can straighten out his life. It’s definitely possible.
Here come the excuses justifying his behavior 7 counts of armed robbery daddy not around I see a wrist slap coming but no break if he was black, hispanic, or homeless then there would be different words. Having been 19 years old once a criminal without a Daddy a loving Mother I stand by my comment. Making excuses for this potentially violent criminal behavior will only make things worse next time he might use a gun and pull the trigger. Oh but those eyes…
When I was in High School, the “Self- Actualization” movement was in vogue. Counselors encouraged you to find a career that was fun and you were skilled at doing. A guy I knew began robbing banks, though we didn’t know that. When he was eventually caught, I had a chance to talk to him one last time – he said he did it because “I’m good at it” and “it was fun”.
Who’s making “excuses”? There’s a big difference between that and merely trying to understand his situation/background.
We do have a few facts – he’s committed at least seven robberies in twenty months. Lots of people have less-than-optimal upbringings and don’t become criminals.
What a dumb bass! 19 Years old good life and doing stupid shit!
Nice of him to fess up so quickly!
So who and where are his parents on this?
I hope you feel that way about everyone who gets arrested here not just the serial criminal who threaten citizens with baseball bats for their money a metal bat no less have you ever been hit with a metal base ball bat I doubt it. I have been hit with a metal bat before I know what it is, Oh anonymous one What about the rest of the kids in the community what makes this one so special to you? This kid committed seven armed robberies threatening people with a baseball bat for money I have no compassion for his criminal type he is the type of person who would crush your skull for a few bucks just for the fun of it you are the do gooder type who says he is cured when he isn’t and apologizes when he re offends maybe if he gets out of all this you should take him in and prove me wrong I’d like that.
I’m sure they have therapy in prison it might not be the kind he wants but it’s available.
Roger I meant those eyes look evil…as in he looks like he doesn’t give a crap. I too feel like his crimes may get worse! Geeeez.
You should have said that in the first place the eyes are not evil yet Those are Robert Downey eyes…
Shark tank commentary such as is being “shared” here is so close to driving me to stop my membership and look elsewhere for what’s happening around town. The mean spirited and uninformed and shot from the hips vitriol is almost disturbing enough to suggest that Edhat readers may need a group session therapy leader to help them face the world.
Sorry to see you go Edhat is not for the sensitive here we tell it like it is I’m sure there are other places with more compassion for criminals. Have a nice day.
Which people cannot accept reality according to you? Those that down vote others ideas and comments or those that post a different view? This sort of orthodoxy sounds an awful like like life in the Soviet Union.