Rep. Carbajal reminding residents to know their rights amidst immigration raids last month (courtesy photo)
By edhat staff
Local Congressman Salud Carbajal announced Friday he supports an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
Representing the 24th District, which includes all of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties as well as the Los Padres National Forest in Ventura, Carbajal states his conversations with Central Coast residents voicing their support led to this decision. He also cited a full assessment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report and U.S. House testimony, and the “Trump administration officials’ continued dodging of congressional subpoenas” as reasons for his support.
Carbajal now joins more than half the members of the Democratic House of Representatives who support an impeachment inquiry bringing the total to 118 and a slight majority. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, however, has stated she wants to finish investigations that are already underway before making a final decision and has hinted she is unwilling to move toward impeachment without major public support, reports Time.
“In the past few years, our nation has seen and heard things from this president that have no place in our democracy. We have seen Donald Trump and his allies invite meddling into our elections, we have watched our nation’s moral fabric rip apart and—most importantly—we have learned that our nation’s commander in chief evaded truth, encouraged his staff to lie repeatedly to investigators and engaged in obstruction on at least ten occasions,” said Carbajal in a news release.
“That’s criminal. If anyone else did these things, they would face legal consequences. I’ve read the full Mueller Report, the president knew the rules and he broke them—he cannot be above the law. That is why I believe it is time to open an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump,” he continued.
Carbajal cited his time in the Marine Corps and local government as proof that we can get more work done together and this issue goes beyond party but is about defending the Constitution.
“We cannot ignore this president’s actions, and we cannot let him off the hook because of his title. I was elected to support and defend our Constitution against all threats, foreign and domestic. That is what I will continue to do,” said Carbajal.
The Mueller Report produced 37 criminal indictments from Mueller and 7 guilty pleas or convictions from members of Trump’s 2016 election campaign staff. The report also found at least 10 instances where Trump sought to personally interfere in Mueller’s investigation. In his report, Mueller didn’t make a determination as to whether Trump committed a crime and also found that according to current Justice Department guidelines, a sitting president can’t be indicted.
Rep. Carbajal is hosting a town hall meeting in Santa Maria this Thursday to give Central Coast residents an update on Congress’ work this year and to answer questions from constituents. The meeting will take place at the Veterans Memorial Building (313 West Tunnell Street, Santa Maria) from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
@9:04-I just read the comment policies. Edhat is actually quite lenient with the enforcement.
Thank you, Salud. The majority of California supports removing this traitor for the white house. It’ll be a long and bumpy road back to reason but the longer we wait the longer it’ll take. Trump and the GOP are disgraceful!
I guess down voters are not in favor of a booming economy and being able to provide much needed jobs.
Salud works his tail off for everyone, regardless of political affiliation. He does not give a hoot about special interest groups. He is one of the few brave politicians who reaches across the aisle to work with so-called opponents. Look at his record. Look at his accomplishments. This man is a star who has many years of service left to provide. We should be so lucky if he stays in office for the rest of his life. We need more unselfish people like him in government.
I downvoted your comment because I disagree with your reasoning and phrasing. Trump did not create this booming economy, he simply inherited it. As a local small business owner, I have not benefited from his tax changes, in fact it’s been worse for me and I’ve had to let employees go.
About time. After he’s impeached, prosecute him for obstruction of justice and tax evasion.
We’re paying Carbajal’s salary. He’s wasting our time. Vote him out.
I could care less what Salud agrees with. I’d much rather see him impeached.
Representative Carbajal is a shining example of what a public servant should be. He served our country in the Marines, and is now serving all his constituents (us) admirably in Congress. Donald Trump, in contrast, is a shameful steaming pile of narcissism who cares nothing about our nation or its people.
more accurately down voters disagree that Trump has anything to do with the economy continuing on the trajectory initiated by the Obama administration.
Go ahead and try to impeach him. Please.
another reason California is dying. Thanks Salud, Not one of our “representitives ” is doing anything to help our sinking ship of a State
No one pushes Salud around because he is one tough Marine. He served 8 years in the US Marines, and knows a thing or two about how to fight. Under his leadership he has and is improving lives. He has brought many jobs to our area and business is thriving due to his forward thinking. He represents everthing that is right with our government. It would be difficult to imagine if he were not serving us so proudly. And how about this: he was born in The United States….of Mexico.
Alot of whining around here.
Democrats have done nothing but waste time and taxpayer funds on a personal vendetta since Trump was elected. The hypocrisy of this position juxtaposed with supporting illegal immigration and Clinton’s bid for president is laughable.
Oh boy, get ready for the deletion button edhat nanny.
Matty – why are you still crying about Clinton? THAT is what is “laughable.”
Who’s crying? The fact is both sides have no qualms about pushing unethical liars as long as they support their cause(s), then take umbrage by the same behavior.
i don’t think it’s wasted funds when the majority of the USA sees this guy is a liar, thief, racist pig that has done nothing for our nation aside of isolate us globally and cause trade wars. So yeah, the dems are in the right to move in the direction they are moving in. Matty, you ca use all sorts of college words to describe whats going on with your imbecile of a ‘president’.
You cry about a vendetta? Think about how the other side felt for 8 years while the repubs didn’t do a damned thing aside of call Obama names and question his legitimacy as an american.
I support my President 100%. Impeachment WILL fail. Total waste of resources .
Matty – comparing Clinton’s lies and actions to Trump’s is really a stretch.
The best government is a divided congress and gridlock. That way, neither party can screw much up. I’m happy Carbajal is focused on stuff like this as it really just lets his constituents blow off steam.
About time. IMPEACH! We need the hearings and the truth.
@9:04 – I sure hope we’re allowed to comment here without fear of deletion – it wouldn’t be fair to post an inflammatory article like this and not allow discussion.
Zerohawk – like I said, both sides are lame, but as far as isolation and trade wars, I’m not sure those are such a bad thing, unless you enjoy the US getting played.
Zero batted a thousand.
What has Salud done lately?-impeach him
I wish that we could still read the down voted posts. They are generally a good source for mirth, irony and at times word salad. I love them all.
Thank you President Trump for this booming economy. And my Company’s ability to expand and hire more employees so they can put a roof over their head and food on the table.
@9.04. Funny!
Not to mention some of the replies make no sense without the original comment.
Carbajal forgets that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in the crime that put Michael Cohen in prison, and as Robert Mueller said at the end of his testimony before the Intelligence Committee, accepting help from a foreign government is a crime. His ten acts of obstruction of justice, while criminal, are lesser matters.
Popular Salud Carbajal has vast support from all political parties, liberals, and socialists in 24th Congressional District. Tonight’s Townhall in Santa Maria at Vet Bldg.
I fear the turnout won’t be too good. ICE might show up. 🙂
I think you can strike out the “all” part of your statement.
Traditionally, you don’t do that using a petition. You do it by attacking Fort Sumpter.
Thank you for proving my point ever so clearly. Not a single mention of any actual policies and /or governance in your oddly phrased and written diatribe. Only misguided feelings, poorly articulated ideas and useless rhetoric ‘Stupid is as stupid does’…
So satisfying to think of all of the elections that Mr. Carbajal has won in his career and how disheartening it must be to the cons commenting here. Have a great day!
Keep your delusions alive JQ. Only 5.5 years to go.
Keywiki??? Try citing a web source that doesn’t have it’s own entry under “Conservative wingnuttery”
I could care less about carbajal he is impotent in congress . Just a little yes man. Have a great day.
Donald Trump will be certainly be removed from office by law and the provisions of the Constitution. I predict (and guarantee) that Trump will be removed from office at 12:00 p.m. EDT on January 20, 2025, at which time President Nikki Haley will be sworn in as the 46th President.
To 6:56, it’s satisfying to see you approve and are looking forward to another five years for Trump as President! I can guarantee he will be removed from office on 1/20/2025 as well!
Carbahal is a disgrace…
“He has brought many jobs to our area and business is thriving due to his forward thinking” can you please qualify this with some examples. I find it hard to believe any efforts and decision he’s made could actually create “many jobs” this quickly except for those who may not have followed our immigration laws. By “forward thinking” do you mean doing whatever the democratic party tell him ti? What pisses me off most about our elected officials is that they complain about the enforcement of our laws, encourage the breaking and/or ignoring of those laws, while they are the very people empowered by our constitution to change the laws. If you don’t like our immigration laws, CHANGE THEM, don’t encourage people to ignore them or try and abolish the hard working agencies that are tasked with enforcing them. Carbajal, that is a dereliction of your duty!
Yeah! Impeach that Mutha!
Among the many weird and nonsensical claims being made in these comments is the statement that the present economy is prospering because of Trump. Actually there is some truth to this but the ‘prosperity is akin to a sugar high. The GOP has floated monstrous tax cuts for the wealthy that is rapidly depleting the US treasury and has engaged in trade wars that are destroying agricultural exports which it then is replacing with subsidies to Big Ag farmers at taxpayer expense. Why is the right wing not screaming about the increasing deficits that these policies are creating (which was a Tea Party raison d’etre)? These artificial hypes will not endure and a big crash is coming–the GOP/Trump simply plan on it occurring after their present run at which time they can blame “socialists” for the state of things.
Salud, thank you for all your good work as our representative in Washington. I would love to see that guy in the Whitehouse impeached. There is no question he deserves it, but I think it is a dead issue as long as Moscow Mitch controls the senate.
Salud is the guy who knocks on your door selling a magical cleaning solution. All the while, as he dazzles and distracts you, his buddies have snuck in the back and are looting your house.
Salud is many things, but foremost is the fact that he is a weak shill who is a follower, not a leader. What’s astounding is how many people are so brainwashed by FoxNews and the right-wing media (AM talk radio) that they actually think Trump is a decent person and a great leader… This has become a litmus test. If you still support him, you are simply not worth regard. I have yet to meet a single Trump supporter who can actually articulate a single policy and/or law put forth by his administration. They are only capable of citing broad ideas and rhetoric… This is a result of our failed educational system which has created multiple generations of people who do not have the ability to be objective. The cognitive dissonance surrounding Trump and his cult of personality is astounding and frankly, scary.
The GOP knows their base is ignorant and incapable of seeing the forest from the trees. They are playing these poor people for suckers and sadly, its not going to end well for them. Deficit Donnie has put forth the largest tax increase on the American people in modern history and his base thinks they’re winning… Yes people, tarriffs are taxes and deficits do matter.
Unseat Salud Carbajal! Salud is a danger to the Country determined to structurally transform US. He’s recognized as one of the Top Ten Socialists innCongress. He votes 100% with Hispanic Caucus spewing platitudes to constituents lying that he represents US. He violates his Oath of Office to uphold the US Constitution. He’s a career politician bought and paid for by Democrat Socialists of America (DSA), friend & room mate Pres Candidate Robert O’Rourke, Study the platform of Justice Democrat, DNC Gail Teton-Landis, Mega-Donor Sarah McCune, and others . Replace Salud. Vote in an independent voice who knows the issues and represents US! .
LOL. Are we talking about the same guy?
Please cite the “recognition” of Carbajal as a socialist, much less a “top 10” one. Here is the Democratic Socialist Wikipedia page which lists elected DSA members, Carbajal is not one. Who knows where these sort of claims come from but it seems almost certain they are the “dark underbelly” of right wing dupes.
Perhaps Salud should not stop there. I suggest all of you who support him and think he is doing a great job to write his office and ask him to start a movement for California to secede from the Union and form its own country. Just think, Newsom would become President and not have to use that crummy title of just “Governor”. Then the Democrats wouldn’t have to worry about Trump or trying to get Federal loans, grants and money from other states. They could even build a wall around the state to keep out citizens that disagreed with them – but it should be semi-permeable so the illegals could get through. It could become a true Shangri-la with money coming from Hollywood and the tech industries to support everyone! The Left could do whatever they want. Oh, wait, they already do since we’ve essentially become a one-party system.
You mean Carbajal , right ?
Whats astounding to me is the TDS that is so evident in your post 917am. Just for fun Ill agree with you that I’m not thrilled with Trumps rhetoric and on occasion I wish he wouldn’t tweet as much as he does but his policies on jobs, economy, lower taxes, lets say prison reform and veterans affairs are solid for now. The part where you say “if you support him you are simply not worth regard”? Really? Its not we can agree to disagree anymore but now its if I disagree with you Im evil? When did this happen? Orange man bad? Maybe you are watching too much CNN and MSNBC? In any case we all need to lower the temperature on our rhetoric and come together as a country. PS I 100% agree with in regards that our education system has failed our kids
California Secede – is there a petition to sign or place to donate? Do we contact Salud or who?
It’s so sad to see a politician like Carbajal bought out like this and serving only his donors and not the citizens of the United States, not that’s anything new with politicians. He is hiding behind his self-proclaimed support of the Constitution. That is ludicrous when you consider his donors include a Who’s Who of far Left organizations such as the DSA and the Communist Party USA. Other well-known members of Congress who these far-Left organizations support include Xavier Becerra and Maxine Waters. To Salud, I’d like to mention that supporting illegal immigration and urging illegals to hide if they suspect ICE is coming after them is hardly supporting and defending our Constitution.
Now a well-known fact by the Left: If you disagree you are obviously Evil, Morally Corrupt, a Racist, and a White Supremacist. Just ask them – or most of the Democratic Presidential candidates and they’ll confirm this for you.
Worth repeating: To Salud, I’d like to mention that supporting illegal immigration and urging illegals to hide if they suspect ICE is coming after them is hardly supporting and defending our Constitution.
If you don’t like our immigration laws CHANGE THEM!!!!! The USA is a wonderful place and the constitution an amazing thing. Salud is one of only a small group of people empowered by our great land to change our laws. Has anyone heard any immigration reform proposals from Salud? No, he just recommends ignoring the laws instead…. sad….
Trump and virtually all the Republicans support legal immigration and reforming the laws. They support bi-partisan legislation to do this yet that has earned them the titles “RACIST!”, and now “WHITE SUPREMACIST!” by the Left. So, agreed, what is Carbajal doing to support reform and LEGAL immigration?
Let’s ask Rep Salud Carbajal TONIGHT if he has denounced DSA! Denouced Justice Democrats! There are various sources of info. lists Rep Carbajal in Top Ten Socialists. The updated 2019 site for wiki doesn’t List Salud. So maybe he has terminated his membership. Let’s ash him. Here are various links.
Trevor Loudon’s 2019 list of socialists and communists in Congress
DSA Members of Congress
Democratic Socialists of America scored wins in the midterms. What’s on their agenda?
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
Coastwatch, correction, they are contributing to the sinking of the ship.
To 5:20 – love the sarcasm!
What?!? Observer you must not know local Trump Supporters. Trump is attempting to uphold the US Constitution, the inalienable Freedom, The God-given rights of US Citizens that the Govt is not to take away. Our President is trying to enforce Congressionally approved Immigration laws . Our President is doing his job starting with trying to protect national sovereignty. His style is direct, impulsive, often poorly packaged by politically correct public relations standards. He or Sen McConnell now must take on Sen Lindsey Graham who seeks federal over-reach in violation of the 2nd Amendment. Imagine if Bill of 10 Rights (Amendments) had not been written out for inclusion in our Constitution. As inalienable rights it was not thought necessary to include. Thank goodness founders did spell out our Citizen rights. Trump has read the Constitution. He takes seriously his Oath of Office. Salud ignores it as do most politicians from both political parties resulting in broad support from Trump by independent educated coastal voters.
Salud encourages residents to break the law as does DA Joyce Dudley, Sheriff Brown, Mayor Murillo, Rep Friedman (who worked years for Salud remaining a puppet politician of Greg Hart and Salud), Rep Oscar Gutierrez, and all SBCC Faculty Senate Members. .All refuse to uphold their Oaths of Office to uphold US Constitution. Why? Because local voters want to structural transform America. Treason is OK, accepted as the new-norm. Watch as they’re all RE-elected unless locals empower opposition.
Who has the courage, plus Donor- organizational support to challenge Rep Carbajal? We gave Salud Carbajal a seat at one of the three most powerful tables in our country. Like Lois Capps, a wasted expense for District 24. . Both remain silent, doing only what is ordered by their keepers which is to raise money for DNC from Montecito, Hope Ranch, and wealthy District 24 investors, ranchers, growers ,wineries, and others like Sarah McCune. Salud remains popular and electable. If a challenger is forthcoming, will voters do what’s required to win in 2020?
Too bad we can’t enforce the oath of office Salud took when elected. He violates it every time he speaks. Carbajal is the one who should be impeached!
If the democrats keeping going in the same direction I think you’ll be right. They still have a few months left to stop attacking Trump for enforcing the laws and start making proposals to change them.
Four thumbs down but no replies pointing out an immigration reform proposal or even idea?
I’m sure this prediction will work out as well as all the other ones you’ve had since you were 10. And look at you now! After all you’re rich, famous, successful and living with a super model. Right?
Hmmnn, I wonder if Salud now support the impeachment now that the Ohr report has come out. Might want to give it Salud.
To Sam: I just noticed my comments that you partially quoted regarding my disgust with Carbajal supporting illegal immigration and breaking the law was removed by down voting. So I’m one up on you:) What a pitiful statement about our local populace that support Carbajal and his unlawful behavior.
The Republicans face such a dearth of intellectual capital that they’re reduced to choosing people like Adam, Fareed, and Caldwell to represent them, not to mention Trump. That must be hugely embarrassing to anyone with more than three functioning synapses.
Keywiki??? Try citing a web source that doesn’t have its own entry under “conservative wingnuttery”.
Keywiki???? Try citing a source that doesn’t have its very own entry under “conservative wingnuttery”.
salud is an idiot!
He and other House Democrats have passed numerous bills that would help all Americans. They are sitting on Massacre Mitch’s desk in the Senate, going nowhere.