Source: Rotary Club of Santa Barbara
On behalf of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation, Rotary Club of Santa Barbara Sunrise President Chris Baxter recognized Judith McCaffrey as a Major Donor Level 1.
As a Major Donor, Judith’s significant contributions support and honor the humanitarian and educational programs of The Rotary Foundation that make a difference in the lives of others. Judith joined Rotary in 1995, served as Club President in 1999-2000, District 5240 Group 8 Representative, chaired golf tournament for a number of years, and served in many leadership capacities over her 22 years of service to the club. She has participated in numerous projects including Rotary’s polio National Immunization Days in Ghana and India, humanitarian projects in Mexico, as well as service to our local community.
“As president of the Rotary Club of Santa Barbara Sunrise, it gave me great pleasure and was my honor to recognize Judith McCaffrey for her substantial financial contribution to the programs of The Rotary Foundation that qualify her as a Major Donor at level 1. Through her support, she is among a dedicated group of humanitarians who have committed themselves to helping others less fortunate,” Stated Chris Baxter, President, Rotary Club of Santa Barbara Sunrise.
The Rotary Club of Santa Barbara Sunrise expresses appreciation to Judith McCaffrey for her generous support. In appreciation for this investment in the future of humanity, Judith is awarded a special crystal and diamond pin. President Chris asked Judith to explain why she gives. “When I joined Rotary in 1995 and served as President in 1999, my goal was always to be a Major Donor. I didn’t make much money back them, but I tried to give money to the Rotary Foundation every year. I give to the Rotary Foundation for Cindy and other little girls and boys like her.Who is Cindy you ask? In 2001, I traveled to Ghana to participate in the National Polio Immunization Days.
Cindy was the first child, baby actually, that I gave those life-saving polio drops. I’ll never forget that moment. We approached their house and the family brought Cindy outside for us to immunize. Before I could pinch her cheeks and hold her mouth open to give her the drops, one of the family members ran into the house to get a dining room chair for me to sit on. How gracious! It was probably one of the nicer chairs they owned but all the stuffing was coming out. I sat down and gave baby Cindy the drops. It was certainly a “Rotary Moment” for me. I saw my donations to the Rotary Foundation Polio Plus program in action that trip and my next trip to India in 2007 and many trips to Mexico for eye surgeries with the club over the years. I was hooked! Along the way I have been inspired in my giving by some special Rotarians friends, the late Sam Greene and Dr. Otto Austel and our own club member and past president E. Russell Smith. Giving is a wonderful feeling! I feel great when I do it. We have so much here in Santa Barbara; we need to give to those who are less fortunate. I encourage club members to give to the Rotary Foundation. Thank you for this recognition! Paul and I are both happy to support the many programs of the Rotary Foundation.”
Rotary is an international leadership organization. It’s made up of local business, professional, and civic leaders. We meet regularly, get to know each other, form friendships and through that, we’re able to get things done in our local and worldwide communities. Rotary is a leader in the effort to eradicate polio worldwide, brings clean water and education to people in need, and promotes peace.
The Rotary Club of Santa Barbara Sunrise was founded in 1985 and is a diverse group of 50 members. The club meets weekly on Wednesday mornings at 7:00 am at the Santa Barbara Club located at 1105 Chapala Street in Santa Barbara.
For more information, visit or call (805) 884-6428.
Photo: Chris Baxter, President, and Judith McCaffrey, Major Donor.