It’s Time for a Flu Shot

Source: Santa Barbara County Public Health Department

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department reminds residents that flu season is fast approaching and it is time to get a flu shot. Significant flu activity can begin as early as October, last as late as May, and typically peaks in February. The flu is caused by the influenza virus, which infects the respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs). Unlike many other viral respiratory infections, such as the common cold, the flu can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications.

To highlight the importance of influenza vaccination, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution proclaiming September 26, 2019 as Seasonal Flu Kickoff Day in Santa Barbara County.

An annual flu vaccination is the best way to prevent the flu and the flu-related complications that could lead to hospitalization and even death. Health experts across the country recommend that everyone 6 months and older get a flu vaccine. Yearly flu vaccination should begin as soon as vaccine is available, and should continue throughout the flu season.

Getting a flu vaccine is more convenient than ever before. Vaccines are available from your regular health care provider as well as retail pharmacies. Many employers, schools, colleges, and universities also offer them. The flu vaccine is the single best way to prevent the flu. Find other locations offering the vaccine on the Flu Vaccine Resource Sheet (see attachment) or by visiting

Flu shots are covered by Medi-Cal, Medicare and by most insurance plans. Find more information about the flu and flu vaccine at


Written by Anonymous

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  1. There are so many strains of flu virus. Getting a flu shot is an exercise in futility and you’re only lining the pockets of the sellers. What a scam. It’s on a par with forcing people to get rabies shots for their dogs.

  2. Getting influenza is two weeks of fever and misery, not something to trifle with. People die from it each year. Even if the flu shot does not match the exact strain, it’s worth getting the shot, because there is a reasonable chance of prevention.

  3. 04:00 PM – You’re right about one thing in your ignorance: Getting a flu shot is very comparable to getting a rabies shot for a canine – a simple, easy, cheap way of staving off a potentially devastating disease.

  4. Flu shot vaccine, line up sheeple and get your flu injected into you, instaed of eating properldiets and being responsible for your own health, Flu shot is a great way to end up in the hospital…Good luck with that!!!

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