Source: Cottage Health
Dr. Lynn Fitzgibbons, an infectious disease specialist, provided a virtual presentation to examine current medical news on COVID-19 and to analyze the information from a doctor’s perspective. The virtual presentation was updated March 26 and directed to Cottage Health’s medical staff and the Infection Prevention & Control Department.
View the presentation at this link:
Dr. Fitzgibbons is a faculty hospitalist and is a member of the faculty for the Internal Medicine Residency Program at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. She is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases.
“Virus has been found on uncleaned surfaces more than two weeks after last contact.” Wow.
I know someone who was exposed to someone who is sick and positive for CV19 and isn’t feeling well but still working their job at an essential business. They are getting tested but until then, how many more are exposed in the meantime?
Why are they at work?
She reminds me of Frances McDormand.
“job at an essential business”
They shouldn’t be working if sick
I’d be glad to still have a job. I’m much more frightened at the fact that so many of us are out of work than I am of this virus. When one can’t take care of their families they may become desperate, for good bloody reason. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to this.
Take some personal responsibility for your own well-being. I’m not saying I agree with your company continuing to work on luxury communications (surely you can see why they would continue to operate for information communication purposes, ie internet/TV is a utility argument), but you could provide your own PPE and adhere to a strict regimen to protect yourself. Really, if everyone would do this we wouldn’t have to be on lock-down for so long, but as evidenced people can’t be trusted not to be idiots.
“I may die and take half my extended family and some of my neighbors with me, but at least I’ve got a job.” Come on, people. That’s why most civilized countries have a safety net – to help others in time of need. Unfortunately, that’s not the ethos in this country.
Thanks for your open honesty. I really hope you don’t get in trouble for your comment
Parvopup, you are not an indentured slave. You are not obligated to keep doing what you’re doing. Continuing to work for your company is voluntary. If you don’t want to work then there are benefits you can take advantage of under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Or you can keep working.