Ice in Paradise Holiday Skate Show

We live just a ten minute walk from Ice In Paradise in Goleta, but have never actually skated there. But last month they had a Holiday Ice Skating Show and I walked over to check it out.

Here are my photos and here is my full video play list. I have 19 videos and I don’t have space to share them all here. Be sure to check out the full play list!

As far as I know, none of the skating performers were professionals. Just our neighbors who love skating. But much of it felt like a professional show, well worth the $20 admission. ($30 for seats at ice level).

Breanne Bonilla Walsh is the Skating Director and kindly sent me the full program, which you can view here as a PDF.

The first piece was called “Hope” with music “When You Believe?” by the Pentatonix. Choreographed by Ashley Padilla.

Ashley also performed as one of the star soloists to “Grown Up Christmas List” by Barbra Streisand. Along with her adorable little girl.

All ages were included in the show. “Candy Cane Lane” was a chance for some of the younger skaters to perform. Most of them were better than me!

“The Marshmallows” were the youngest performers of all!

The show “Mary Poppins” included people of all ages.

Here are some of the other solo performing stars:

Sadie Heinze:

Alexandra Hudson:

Lily Munro:

Sabina Imaikina:

Maeva Chapman:

Cheyenne Dyer:

These two young couples performed to “Once Upon a December”:

There were also some big group performances. This one “Santa’s Little Helpers” was big and added light to the festivities. Choreographed by Nadia Chapman.

“Academy” was another big group performance. Choreographed by Jeanne Pierle and Sadie Heinze. To the grand music “Wizards of Winter” by Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

I only learned of this event at the last minute. Mark your calendars for next December to catch the 2024 Holiday Ice Skating Show at Ice In Paradise! More information here!

Robert Bernstein


Written by sbrobert

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