Hiking in the Burn Area

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By an edhat reader

Pictures from a trail known to few that starts below the power lines by 154 and ends at Camino Cielo.  Some call it the Windy Gap trail but it may not be an official trail and so may be its name.  The trail mostly follows the Jesusita fire break but separates of it into rocky wooded areas that make it interesting.  You can see the fire break from afar, it is right on the top of the ridge.  It is a tough trail with many steep sections and grand views.

Right in the middle of the burn area, the trail itself is in surprisingly decent shape.  The first leg up to a service road looks eery because of all the charred branches but it gets better higher up.  Most of the damage seems to be at the 154 side of the trail.  I see lots of green seedlings sprouting up everywhere I walk so in a few months it will look quite different.

The pictures are obscured by a low hanging cloud, a perfect addition to the eery scenery.  I made it to the Rock Garden that is about 2/3 of the way up.  Going down from there following the tractor trails, I got lost.  I went back up to the Rock Garden to re-orientate myself and took the route that I am very familiar with over steep rocks.  I found my way back albeit slow with the rain pouring down and the final descent being quite slippery.




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