A crew member works to remove temporary supports (falsework) from the northbound Highway 101 bridge over Carpinteria Creek.
Source: SB Roads
Freeway & Ramp Closures
- Highway 101 will have the following closures between Linden and Bailard Avenues
- Sunday night, September 16th
- The northbound and southbound Highway 101 fast lanes will be closed starting at 9:00 pm. The northbound fast lane will reopen by 5:00 am, and the southbound fast lane will reopen by 7:00 am.
- Monday through Thursday nights, September 17th – 20th
- The northbound and southbound Highway 101 fast lanes will be closed starting at 8:00 pm. The northbound fast lane will reopen by 5:00 am daily, and the southbound fast lane will reopen by 7:00 am daily.
- One freeway lane will remain open in each direction during the lane closures.
- Sunday night, September 16th
- The southbound Highway 101 off-ramp at Casitas Pass Road will be closed Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm for work on the overcrossing.
Linden Avenue Overcrossing
- Work continues on the side supports (abutments) for the remaining width of the new overcrossing.
Casitas Pass Road Overcrossing
- Crews will continue removing dirt from the new median piles, then install rebar cages, and pour concrete. Work will occur nightly. Please see lane closures listed above.
- Wood form work, rebar installation, and concrete pours continue for the side supports (abutments) and wing walls.
- New northbound Highway 101 on-ramp at Casitas Pass Road
- Grading and installation of roadway base will continue. Then the initial asphalt layer will be paved in preparation for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement is a quieter roadway surface due to the lack of horizontal seams.
Highway 101
- Carpinteria Creek Bridges (northbound and southbound Highway 101)
- Northbound bridge
- Crews have finished installing post tension steel cable through the bridge internal supports (stems) and will continue removing wood forms and temporary supports (falsework).
- Southbound bridge
- Crews will finish up installing post tension steel cable through the bridge internal supports (stems) and then begin removing temporary supports and wood forms.
- Northbound bridge
- Drainage improvements continue along northbound Highway 101 under the Casitas Pass Overcrossing.
Via Real
- Frontier Communications will be running their cables in a couple weeks.
- Via Real will have one lane open between Casitas Pass and Vallecito Roads for the next few months.

Upcoming Work: fall/winter
- The Highway 101 southbound off-ramp at Casitas Pass Road will close for up to 1 month. Detour maps can be viewed at SBROADS.com.