Highlights of the Goleta Old Town Holiday Parade

2023 Goleta Holiday Parade

Congratulations to the Greater Goleta Santa Barbara Lions Club for putting on the best Goleta Old Town Holiday Parade ever!

It took more than 70 volunteers and a total of more than 1,000 volunteer hours to pull of this well-attended and festive event this past Saturday night.

Approximately 5,000 people bundled up and lined Hollister Avenue on this beautiful evening and were entertained by 70 parade entries and 1,400 participants. Some of the highlights included a 25 foot tall reindeer and an appearance by Santa.

The City of Goleta was pleased to participate once again this year. Check out this video clip showing the Mayor, Councilmembers, the Goleta Valley Library Bookvan and www.GoodLandGoodShopping.com banner cruising the parade route here:

To see the parade in its entirety, go to TVSB’s Facebook page. Also, stay tuned for an edited version of the parade coming soon from TVSB.

Thank you to Goleta resident, Mark McClenathen, who organized the vintage cars for the Mayor, Council and Supervisor Hartmann. We appreciated our awesome drivers for donating both their time and their classic vehicles. Drivers included Wally Schelvis, Kay Lee Ahnemann, David Guzik and Lisa Johnson.

Another highlight this year was the City’s Window Decorating contest for businesses located along the parade route. We appreciated everyone who helped make the parade route merry and bright. If you want to check out which window you like best and help us determine a winner go to the City’s Facebook page to like and comment. A winner will be announced at 8:00 p.m. tonight.


Written by CityofGoleta

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