Source: Aware and Prepare
A Heat Advisory is in effect for the Santa Barbara County interior including the mountains and the Cuyama Valley Friday, July 12. Temperatures of 95 to 105 degrees are expected until Sunday. Drink more fluids, stay out of the sun and in air conditioning if possible, and check on your family and neighbors.
Aviso de calor en efecto para las montanas y el Valle de Cuyama en el Condado de SB viernes, 12 de julio. Se esperan temperaturas de 95 a 105 grados hasta el domingo. Beba más líquidos, manténgase alejado del sol, cerca de aire acondicionado si es posible, y chequee a sus familiares y vecinos.
Foggy here in Carpinteria. Inland heat draws the moisture onto us. Much rather have the fog than sweltering heat.