Habitat Restoration for the Las Positas Modoc Roads Multiuse Path Project

Las Positas Modoc Roads Multiuse Path (courtesy)

The Las Positas Modoc Roads Multiuse Path Project (LPMUP) is a 2.6 mile-long separated pathway for bicyclists, runners, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities along Las Positas and Modoc Roads. The Las Positas segment opened to the community in March 2022. The final 0.1-mile segment of the path on Modoc Road is completed, connecting the LPMUP to the County’s multiuse path.

Part of the LPMUP includes habitat restoration at several sites. The planting phase is now complete, and restoration specialists will oversee these sites for several years to ensure the newly planted vegetation establishes successfully.

The restorations include:

  • 75 native trees and over 500 native shrubs planted along the LPMUP;
    Over 2,000 native coastal sage scrub plants planted along Veteran’s Memorial Walk in Elings Park;
  • 104 native coast live oak trees planted in the understory of an oak grove at Elings
    Park; and
  • Over four acres of riparian habitat enhancement and invasive tree removal at Mesa

A total of 75 coast live oak, island live oak, and California buckeye trees were planted along the pathway.

For more information about the restorations, please click HERE. Questions? Contact Beth Anna Cornett, Supervising Planner at (805) 564-5537.

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