Gym in the Age of Coronavirus

By an edhat reader

Does anyone have an opinion on the pros and cons of going to the gym in the age of Covid-19?


Written by Tee Gee

What do you think?


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  1. OMG what! Gyms are petri dishes during normal times. I would seriously consider NOT going. And if you must, go late at night and spray down whatever you touch and do not touch your face. That won’t stop the possibility of you inhaling it but, that’s about that.

  2. AC4 gym members have a key fob to allow 24hr access. I went today at lunch, and there were only about 4 other people. None were huffing and puffing. I’ll probably go very early or very late when few are there. If it’s packed with even one sweaty peson panting on a treadmill then I won’t even go in the front door. At some point the gym will probably close until this blows over. Once Peets and AC4 closes I may go clinically insane.

  3. Don’t do it. Heck, even in non-virus times, don’t do it. There are PLENTY of ways to exercise without paying $60 a month to do it in a special building under fluorescent lights. Walk or run in your neighborhood, go on hikes, do calisthenics or Jane Fonda’s workout at home, lift weights, do yoga with free YouTube videos… ANYTHING but pay some corporation for the privilege of doing what is FREE!

  4. Shasta, I really wasn’t criticizing the DOLLAR AMOUNT of a gym membership, I’m sure your AC4 is a nice price for you. I was trying to say that even paying $40 a month, or $20, or $10, is often an unneeded expense when, in reality, exercising (i.e. moving one’s body & getting the heart rate going) is fundamentally FREE.

  5. I hear ya, Sam. I try to put my dollars into the local economy too. My main point was to put those dollars towards causes that don’t sell you something that can be had for free. Just because you don’t pay for gym membership doesn’t mean you can’t spend the same dollars in the community. Just trying to help people looking to save some money in these trying times.

  6. OOPS– look I don’t want to be a dick here, but you are seriously ignorant about what is going on.
    If low risk people like you continue doing what they do and become infected and don’t even know it and then they come in contact with other low risk people and infect them, then we get massive community infection and ultimately the high risk people die.
    So don’t be so selfish.

  7. Well, I don’t really like swimming in the ocean. I like the pool at the YMCA. Indoor and heated. While I am managing during this time with running (that I normally do anyway), lifting at home to videos, and walking the dog – I am VERY MUCH a group exercise person and a person of habit. I work out at 6 am, every day. It is dark. I like working out with people – workout videos, which are fine and all, DO NOT give me that personal connection. They just do not. Even workout videos cost money and support corporations! And corporations employ people.

  8. Look–here’s the truth. If you go, you are behaving selfishly and you are contributing to the overall risk for our community our nation and our planet. There are so many ways to exercise that choosing to ignore all of the options and go anyway is really terrible.
    Everyone needs to try and put aside the “me” of it all and focus on the “we”, at least for a while.

  9. Excuse me, but no! People with Covid19 won’t show symptoms for at least a week–so you won’t know if you have it and you will be shedding the virus everywhere.
    Just help out for a while–you can exercise at home and outside.

  10. Lot of folks out there only care about themselves and will not do what’s best for the community as a whole like avoiding the gym right now. Plenty of other way to get your exercise inside or outside and away from others..

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