By Tom Modugno of Goleta History & Goleta Surfing
Last April, we took to the hills to enjoy the green of Spring and golden Poppies. We knew it wouldn’t last long. Grass Mountain is that big pyramid that you can see from most of the Santa Ynez Valley, and you can tell when there’s a good bloom going. What you can’t tell is how steep it is. Whoever made the trail had evidently never heard of cutbacks, because that sucker goes straight up. It’s a great workout though, and the views from the top are phenomenal, with or without wildflowers. We even had the rare bonus of finding a Horned Lizard, or Horny Toad as we’ve always called them. Unfortunately, I realized when we got back to the car that I had lost my cell phone halfway up the mountain, and had to return the next day for a retrieval mission. Bonus workout!
All good though, and a beautiful place to have to search for a cell phone. We are lucky to live in this area.
You can get to Grass Mountain from the Cat Road, just beyond Tunnel Road. It may be longer, but not steep. If the road is not blocked, you can drive at least part of the way.