Goleta’s Old Town Sidewalk Project Final Paving Work

Source: City of Goleta

The City of Goleta is excited to announce that the final asphalt grind and pavement overlay work for the City’s Old Town Sidewalk Improvement Project will occur the week of August 31 through September 3, 2020. We are pleased to report that the work is being done two and a half months ahead of schedule.

The contractor is scheduled to grind half the streets in the project area on Monday, August 31 followed by the other half on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. The contractor will then place the final pavement on half the streets starting Wednesday, September 2 followed by the second half on Thursday, September 3, 2020. The following figure shows the streets and the order of work – yellow first followed by green.


Asphalt grinding dates

Asphalt paving dates








OTSW Project Schedule

We know that parking will be limited during this time. However, as the grinding work is complete on streets, the parking will be re-opened to help alleviate the impact and disruption. The no parking restrictions will be back in effect in those areas two days following for the paving work. The streets can be reopened about two hours after the paving work is complete. The contractor will be posting no parking signs 72-hours in advance with the two dates listed. Once the grinding work is complete, the contractor will cross off the first date to allowing temporary parking until the space is needed for the paving work. Please plan accordingly and we thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Upcoming Restriping Work

The contractor is also planning to paint the striping on the streets the week after the paving is complete.  This striping work will take a day to complete and is currently scheduled for September 8th.  The contractor will again be posting the no parking signs 3 days in advance of the striping work to notify the community. No parking signs will be removed as soon as the striping is complete and dry for vehicles to travel on.

City of Goleta Senior Project Engineer James Winslow said, “The Public Works Department is very pleased with the success of the Old Town Sidewalk Project and excited to announce that the project will be completed ahead of schedule and under budget. Completing the work early is a huge benefit to the residents and community. We are thrilled to be able to perform the final asphalt grinding and repaving work at one time the first week of September followed closely by the striping work and want to thank the community in advance for their patience, particularly with the temporary lack of parking that is needed to complete the paving work.”

Additional project information, including a map of the asphalt grind and overlay phasing, can be found on our City website at https://tinyurl.com/GoletaOTSW.

Thank you for your continued patience and support as we construct the sidewalk, drainage, and roadway improvements in Old Town. The utilities – Southern California Edison, Cox Communications, and Frontier Communications – still need to relocate their poles and equipment in some of the project areas. The contractor will return in about a month to finish pouring the sidewalks in these utility areas. For questions, please contact sidewalks@cityofgoleta.org or call the Construction Inspector, Daniel Anderson, at 805.869.3727.


The 9031 Old Town Sidewalk Improvement project includes constructing sidewalk on at least one side of each street north of Hollister Avenue between South Fairview Avenue and Mallard Avenue as well as on Pine Avenue south of Hollister Avenue. The new sidewalks will connect to existing sidewalk providing a continuous path of travel. There will also be drainage improvements, tree replacements, repaving, and the construction of 39 back-in angled parking spots on Magnolia Avenue (for a net increase of approximately 17 new parking spots). Watch this video to learn more about the project.

When this project is done, the safety improvements, livability and ability to recreate in Old Town will change dramatically. We are pleased the community will be able to enjoy the improvements for years to come.


Written by CityofGoleta

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