By the edhat staff
A Goleta man has pleaded guilty to making a death threat against a Ventura County superintendent, allegedly over a false story on right-wing websites.
Randell Earl Graham, 45, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to making a criminal threat and admitted an associated allegation that the threat involved great bodily harmed. He will be sentenced in Ventura on May 5, reports the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office.
On October 14, 2022, the Thousand Oaks Police Department began an investigation into the Conejo Valley Unified School District receiving threatening voicemails directed at the superintendent Dr. Mark McLaughlin.
That same week, the Thousand Oaks Police Department learned the calls were initiated from the Santa Barbara area and with the assistance of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, Graham was located and arrested.
Randell Earl Graham (Photo: Ventura County District Attorney’s Office)
In a message to parents and staff after the incident, the Conjeo Valley Unified School District stated there had been a disinformation campagain on social media and blogs against the district.
McLaughlin stated in an interview with the VC Star that he believed the threats were connected to unconfirmed claims by a parent during a school board meeting that a student witnessed another student masturbate in class. No one else from the class corroborated the claim, but the incident was published as a fact on right-wing websites and accused McLaughlin of defending the behavior.
The School District stated the disinformation online is harmful to the students and public and helps to elicit threats of violence against the school’s leadership.
“The sensationalizing of rumors and months-old reported incidents must stop. These fictitious narratives are being wrongly used to politicize incidents involving our students. When we talk about circumstances involving students, we are talking about children. Real children who attend our schools, who play with friends on our playgrounds, and who have families living in our community. The spread of false information must stop,” the district said.
Graham is being held at the Todd Road Jail without bail.
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October 17, 2022: Goleta Man Arrested for Threatening School Official
Hey look – a sad populist face of the Republican extremist wing.
Expected response from the right-wing promoters/distractors/what-abouters:
-But protestors broke windows!
-But the border!
-But COVID laws!
-But Hunter’s laptop and Hillary’s emails!
Oh good, two stories in one day on people being influenced by right-wing propaganda and lies to threaten harm on others.
“Defending” crime and violence because of which extreme “side” influenced the perpetrators. A new low, and the bar was already set very low.
The only side committing or threatening violence against schools and abortion clinics, drag shows and libraries are the right wing extremists. It’s fair to point out the cancer.
Applauding crime and violence because of which extreme “side” influenced the perpetrators. A new low, and the bar was already set very low.
When it’s something the GOP doesn’t agree with its the “liberal mob” and “woke agenda” but when it’s their own followers it’s “hey hey why are picking sides?”
Who’s “applauding crime and violence?”
Wow, he does look pretty sad. Of course there are clowns on both sides of our nation’s incredibly divided political scene. I think everyone already knows of the fools on the far right, as evidenced by the January insurrection. Who’s arguing otherwise? Anyways, scary stuff…
Noticing the only two people in local news today for threatening institutions based on their radical extremist beliefs were registered Republicans.
GT and 04:41, so would you like everyone then to be a registered Democrat? Ie, we live in a country where we’re all happily registered democrats who all agree with each other and there’s no two-party system anymore. How does that make any sense? Not at all, right.
Ok, so are you saying all Republicans are wackos? Are you saying anyone you don’t agree with is a Republican? Man, if that’s the case you’re both exemplifying the biggest problems we currently have in this country: complete party loyalty (extremism in BOTH parties), polarization, and abandonment of individual, free-thinking.
Sac, your reply just emphasizes the point I’m making. You’re getting all riled up and name calling – lose the us vs. them crap buddy. It’s THE problem. I’m not a “con”, whatever that is. If you want re-read all the comments and start thinking for yourself what I’m talking about. If not, that’s fine too.
Huh? No it doesn’t, not at all. It explains why you’re wrong in your assumptions, nothing more. How do you get that from the pretty simple explanation that neither GT nor 4:41 said “all Republicans are wackos” or “everyone then to be a registered Democrat.” You’re doubling down on the non sequiturs.
“Name calling?” Where in this thread did I?
“would you like everyone then to be a registered Democrat?” – makes no sense given their comments.
“Ok, so are you saying all Republicans are wackos?” – No one said that either.
Seems you Cons/Repubs here have some issues with understanding this. When someone says facts about extremist Republicans, you twist and assume they’re saying ALL Republicans/Right winger/Conservatives/whatever you guys call yourselves, are bad. The FACT is that this guy was an extremist Republican. Pointing out the FACT that many of these extremists believe some whacky stuff and have a tendency to be violent or OK with violence, is just pointing out a fact. Extreme Dems have their whacko tendencies as well, but THIS situation involves violence/threat of violence based on extreme right wing BS.
Pointing out that fact is nothing more than pointing out that fact.
BASICINFO805 You need to get off the sauce.
United we stand divided we fall. Division is at its highest we need to stop the division and name calling. No we will never all agree but let’s be less evil.
MEBK, you are absolutely right. The “us vs. them” concept is a recipe for disaster.
What if you and I don’t agree? No problem. It’s not personal. Its a forum for discussion and thoughts. Isn’t it? Resorting to name calling, separatism, and ‘my way or the highway’ attitudes – call it what you want…is unproductive and harmful.
Lol looks like Steve Buscemi’s hillbilly Trumper cousin. Threats are for cowards. Threats based on dumb Qanon BS are for imbecile cowards. Have fun in the big house, bud. Law and Order!
Proper scolding. Now let’s move on.
Just some domestic terrorist making death threats on a school official. No biggy! lol
Basic, also, the two party system is total shit.
Stop crying, Basic. I’m a newly registered Republican so I can proudly stand up with my MAGA pals and say that liberating phrase “fuck your feelings.”
Say “I” if you are sick of the S&V banter……I. It takes a lot of scrolling to get to an actual conversation.
No, SAC. It’s nearly impossible to coherently read other comments and conversation with the constant interruption and off-topic, long-winded BS between y’all. It’s capital O Obnoxious.
This isn’t political. We’re on the same page there. This is you and few other folks completely taking over a community page to no other end but your own enjoyment. No one else cares for it. Do you even know or care how difficult it is to follow threaded comments when you guys have 20 comments each on a thread split over multiple pages of comments? Have you ever even considered it?
My god I wish edhat could enact a daily comment limit but I do understand the technical limitations of a small local website and I VERY much appreciate the moderating Ed does. Sadly, a comment limit is the only thing that will ever force some people to think, “Does this add to the conversation? Is this comment worth it or should I just move on?”…instead we have a select folks that think “can I” instead of “SHOULD I?”, and it sucks.
2:15 – your complaint was WAY too long to read. See how I did that? Just walked on by. Thanks for your concern.
LCP and 2:15 – one more thing. If you bother to read, most of my comments are pretty carefully researched and crafted with supporting sources. Why is that bad? Try reading them sometime.
Also, you ever think that some people comment frequently and engage in researched debate (most of the time) as way of keeping their minds fresh and trying to avoid slipping into mental deterioration in their older years? Research, thought, grammar, reasoning, logic, etc are all great ways to keep a mind active and exercised. Sure, I have the occasional snark or exhausted and rude comments to some people, but for the most part, my longer comments are the product of some degree of careful though and are even edited on occasion.
Bashing people for lively debate/argument/whatever you think it is, is kinda lame I think. Unless there is a rule against frequency of comments, you’re going to have to live with it. I will, once again, make an effort to avoid the quick/snarky back and forths with VOICE, but it is really hard sometimes. Bear with us and maybe read some of my longer comments. You might learn something or come to understand an opinion opposite of yours. Griping and complaining about me does nothing for yourself or others really.
It’s a community discussion. I’m part of your community and so is VOICE, BASIC, GT, SNICKER, COASTWATCH, EDNEY, and many others who you see here frequently. Telling us to stop “talking” to each other is pretty rude and serves no purpose other than to air your grievance. It’s noted. Now, enjoy the weekend.
Oh, SAC. You come off as very self righteous in your response – I won’t say as a person, can’t make that judgment from someone’s online text personality. Regardless, it’s really too bad. You used to mean well, but over the years, I’ve watched your comments escalate and change form and purpose. The internet soapbox has not been good for you, I’m afraid. Instead of considering the POV of others, you dig in deeper… I’m sorry to say your online persona is really starting to resemble those you speak out against so feverently :/ wish you well bud, hope you can fight this addiction.
Also, pretty hypocritical of you to start an off-topic, tangential complaint rant as you criticize me for my “constant interruption and off-topic, long-winded BS.”
Either way, try to enjoy yourself this beautiful Friday evening. Complaining about people discussing things seems to be the epitome of boredom.
“POV of others” – I’m sorry, but I don’t consider racism, bigotry, hate, ignorance as a “point of view.” When did I refuse to consider someone’s POV? I’ve actually changed my own POV based on some things CHIP OF SB has said. His thoughts on fire suppression were contrary to mine at first, but after many discussions (during which VOICE would appear and troll) with CHIP, I not only understand his POV, I’ve been convinced to adopt it for most parts.
I’m fine with people’s opinions, even yours. Funny to hear about my “years” on here from an anonymous commenter though.
Come on. People like to pretend that they are engaging in meaningful conversations here when all they are really doing is regurgitating other peoples’ talking points. Your comment is just another concern troll moment of condescension. You’re not fooling anyone, you’re just taking laps in the cesspool like everyone else. LOL.
Why not just ban all discussions related to politics, racism, homophobia, etc.
Why don’t you just show up to talk about about wildflowers?
You have free will, use it.
LCP – our “banter” is pretty quickly deleted, so unless you’re reading through the Penalty Box comments, you should be just fine. Getting pretty tired of your constant complaining about people conversing here in a comments section though. No one is forcing you to read our comments. You see “SACJON” or “VOICE OF ____” and you can simply scroll past if you want.
Well said, 5:57, I agree.