By the edhat staff
A Goleta man was arrested Saturday for allegedly threatening a Ventura County school official.
On Friday, October 14, the Thousand Oaks Police Department began an investigation into a school official receiving death threats.
The combined investigative efforts by the Thousand Oaks Police Department’s Intelligence Led Policing and Investigations units led to the arrest of Randell Graham, 45, in Goleta.
According to the Thousand Oaks Police Department, the Conejo Valley Unified School District began receiving threatening voice mails directed at the superintendent on Friday.
The Thousand Oaks Police Department was notified and quickly began an investigation and learned the calls were initiated from the Santa Barbara area.
On Saturday, Graham was located with the assistance of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department and arrested in the Goleta area for PC 422- Criminal Threats. He was transported to Ventura County and booked into the Ventura County Main Jail.
“The Thousand Oaks Police Department works closely with the Conejo Valley Unified School District and takes threats directed at students, schools, and staff very seriously. The Thousand Oaks Police Department has School Resource Officers who investigate crimes related to the schools,” the police department stated.
Probably a far-right snowflake still mad because they have Captain Underpants in the school library or upset about a rainbow displayed in a classroom. Throw the book at them.
Usually I object to baseless speculation but in this day and age…you’re probably right. How else would a grown man be riled up enough to make credible death threats against a local school official? All this Qanon pedo nonsense is gunpowder for more pointless violence.
The quotes from his voicemail pretty much tell you it’s a far-right nut cake.
“I wouldn’t get caught (expletive) in public,” the caller states. “I wouldn’t get caught going to work. We’re going to put a bullet through your (expletive) skull, you grooming piece of (expletive).”
These wanna be proud boy types need to be incarcerated.
The best part of the article… “If convicted of the felony, Graham would be looking at a maximum penalty of three years in prison.”
Looks like some of the alt-right parents in this district have become radicalized and bringing in national activists.
According to this news article, far right news outlets like fox are promoting the terrorism on this school district.
ok i’ll ask….just asking. What did the superintendent do to get this guy so worked up and mad? Was it the stupid common core math that is a massive failure? Or would it be because maybe his 6th grader came home saying they are now poly/demi/unicorn/trans and is into trees and id’s with a tree now? I mean I have three kids all in high school now and during teir 5th grade and 6th grade year, all of this stupidness started happening. I can certainly understand being this angry with the schools. They ARE a bit out of control. I’m not taking this into politics, or anything other than my own recent experiences with some of the stupid crap they are force feeding our kids in school, without our consent. Now that doesn’t mean i condone the violence! I don’t care if you’re gay, straight or whatever. It doesn’t need to be taught in school where they are there to learn academics. But when my 5th and 6th graders came home SUPER confused, and they aren’t even sexually active at that age, it definitely caused huge problems. Again, i get his anger. Would i suggest taking matters into your own hands and go about it this way? Nope. I happen to know it’s not 1986 anymore and calls can easily be traced, tracked, and located
“It doesn’t need to be taught in school ” – Homosexuality isn’t being taught. Tolerance is. What class were your kids taught trans issues? I know it’s discussed in the 5th/6th grade health classes, but it’s not like they’re teaching your kids how to be gay or trans. They’re acknowledging that some people are. The confusion comes with the kids are on the playground and start making jokes, teasing, etc.
“What did the superintendent do to get this guy so worked up and mad?” It doesn’t seem like he has kids in the district – the perpetrator is a maintenance guy in Goleta. So the question is what did Fox do to get him so worked up? Probably propagating more lies.
Good to know that your reluctance to threaten others depends on whether they can trace you, or not. No wonder your kids are confused.
Sheesh… The usual suspects.
Thanks for the article links.
“McLaughlin said he believes the threats are tied to recent media attention given the district by Fox News and other conservative outlets like the Daily Wire, which published an article Oct. 12 with the headline: “Southern California Superintendent Defends 7th-Grade Boy Masturbating In Front of Classmates.”
The story was featured Friday on “Watters’ World” on Fox News.
The coverage included a clip of a parent speaking at the Sept. 20 Conejo Valley board meeting about her daughter seeing a male student masturbating in class last May and McLaughlin’s response to the comment.
McLaughlin told the Acorn an investigation into the incident found nothing to support the parent’s assertion that the student was masturbating in class.
The superintendent said he was working with attorneys on a “defamation claim” because of the suggestion made in the media that he would have approved of such behavior.
“No school or district personnel confirmed the events of May 17, 2022,” he said. “Nor has any other student or parent come forward with the claim that the student was masturbating in class.”
It is a tried and true formula that the media pushes daily. Ignorance + fear = hate.
All the hyper-attention to sex must really screw up children being raised in that atmosphere–as if early adolescence wasn’t crazy-making enough in normal situations.
LUVADUCK – what “hyper attention” to sex? The only ones hyper focusing on it are the far right nuts who believe, “Telling young, immature children about serious sexual topics and difficult racial issues is harming their mental health and stability and leading to violent public outbursts later in life that threaten school and public safety.” – Caroline Abate mailer
Kids aren’t being taught about sexuality in schools. Neither of my daughters (8th and 10th grade) have been told anything other than what they teach in health class. The far right is panicking that this MIGHT happen if they don’t ban teaching certain subjects. The LIES, fear and paranoia is spreading and it’s sickening.
Luvaduck: There is no “hyper attention” to sex. RWers equate anything LGBTQ-related with sex when it’s just about accepting people who are different from you! Adolescents need to know that being something other than heterosexual is perfectly natural and acceptable in our society. The alternative is rejection, living in fear and hiding who you really are, and at its most extreme, mental illness and suicide. Being in high school is awful enough without screeching morons making threats and parroting some backwards stupidity they picked up from the internet.
Duck might’ve been referring to the children of those who make such complaints and threats; the radical right we’re referring to. I hope they return to this convo and clarify.
This guy is obviously out of his mind that said do we really need to teaching young children about human sexuality whether heterosexuality or LGBTQ+? Can’t we just leave that subject to parents teaching the “birds and bees”.
Young children are not taught about sexuality.
And if parents won’t teach them, in an age-appropriate way, someone should.
He needs to be sent to the principal’s office for corporal punishment. I remember those days at Franklin Elementary School over on the Eastside where I attended when I was a kid back in the 60’s. I was lucky that I did not receive corporal punishment by the principal back then. But I did know a few kids that went through it. Ah, the good ol’ days!
Just making a joke about 9:15am response.
Geez,get a life.
“I was just joking” is the classic response of a sociopath.
GIMLI – “corporal punishment,” “execution” for drug dealers, etc…. what is it you don’t understand about our Constitution? As heinous as these crimes are, not everything deserves flogging or back alley executions.
And no, the “good ol’ days” of beating children was not “good.” Nothing was gained by beating and tormenting children for making mistakes.
Yes, indeed! That way, he’ll learn that violence is always the answer!
There’s nothing quite like good old stupid.
We went through corporal punishment in the form of writing 200 times “I will not spy on teacher when he leaves the room so your friends can get a drink from the fountain” and such.
Have to go during recess was the rule.
Usually, they varied in the message but it taught me more that I knew then. Principal Knapp told me he was going to get me my own office in his office to do the work.
Awww, I miss Mr. Shields, my 6th grade teacher.
Best Teacher Ever!
7862 – Even my mom use to whack me ever so often, but it wasn’t child abuse. It was to teach me a lesson each time I did something bad and stupid. We always had a good relationship, I learned a lot from her and I took care of her during her days of battling cancer to the very end. She passed away in early 1998 one day before her birthday, she would have been 65. To this very day I still miss my mom.
GIMLI – that was actually me that wrote the comment at 11:31pm. I accidentally hit “Hide your handle.” Pretty telling as it has no downvotes….. yet LOL!
Anyway, I’m sorry about your mom passing, that’s tough. My mom used to give me a smack on the hands once in a while and no, that’s not abuse, it’s just a little smack by a parent. Not the same as teachers beating children with a wooden paddle or parents beating them with a belt or something. That is NOT how you gain respect. Kids these day still have plenty of respect for their elders, parents, teachers, coaches, but it is earned, not violently demanded.
Also, a lot of people seem to confuse questioning propaganda with “lack of respect.” Kids these days are smart (as they always have been). If they’re questioning archaic racist and/or homophobic ideals and policies, that’s not “lack of respect,” that’s progress! Be proud of our kids for recognizing things need to change!