Goleta Follows Santa Barbara, Approves Marborg Rate Increases

By the edhat staff

The City of Goleta has also approved a rate increase to customers for Marborg’s trash and recycling services.

Last week the Santa Barbara City Council voted to approve a 3.4% rate increase starting on July 1. The Goleta City Council also approved a 5.95% rate increase last week. All changes are scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2023.

Marborg states the annual increase is due to increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and County of Santa Barbara’s tipping fees at the Tajiguas landfill and ReSource Center.

The City of Goleta states that rate increases due to CPI and Santa Barbara County tipping fees are allowed as part of the City’s franchise agreement with MarBorg.

“The rate increase allows MarBorg to continue providing efficient solid waste and recyclables collection services to the City of Goleta. In addition to solid waste collection, services include collection of green waste, recyclables, and commercial food waste, which are all recycled or reused. MarBorg services also include free residential household hazardous waste drop off, free bulky items pickups, textiles recycling, unlimited free electronics pickups and recycling, and many other programs. The revenue generated by the rate increase will help MarBorg to cover the increasing costs of collection, transport, processing, recycling, and disposal of materials,” the City of Goleta states.

A 95-gallon Single Family Residential Cart Service will see their monthly bill increase by $2.71 for solid waste only, not including green waste or recycling.

For the full rate sheet go to https://tinyurl.com/5n84yraa.

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 June 12, 2023: Marborg Trash Rates Increase in Santa Barbara

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. Sorry, but this is NOT about their front line workers.. This is really about politics Santa Barbara Style.
    Marborg has once again replaced our cans with smaller cans AND charging us more money for less service. it is a total hose job. IF you read your bill real closely, you may notice that the volume that the cans can actually hold is a large % LESS than what we are getting charged for. Minor details.
    Look at the City of Carpinteria and the Ventura area. They are paying HALF what we are for more and higher quality service. The Borgatello family has been deep into the local politicians for decades and they keep reaping the benefits of this. IF you truly believe that you are getting a “good” deal and supporting the common man that is driving the trash trucks, then you are a dreamer. WE are totally getting ripped off and no one else seems too concerned. Unbelievable. .. Santa Barbara has always had a love of government supported monopolies like Cox, KEYT, Marborg, SBNP..etc. They all provide lousy quality of service at a very dear price. For a community like this with the resources that we have, the only explanation is the backroom political dealings are decided for us, not by us. Your resistance is futile.

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